Compliance Requirements

I am in contact with the NZ Ministry of Transport and have put the specific question as to the compliance requirements of an Australian registered vehicle to be imported and registered in NZ.  They have sent an initial reply to the effect that they will deal with it and make a full reply soon.
Governments work to their own time scale (glacial, usually) so don't hold your breath but I expect to get useful information from this enquiry.  I will keep you informed.  Until I know otherwise, I will deal with the NZ government instrumentality and avoid other agencies. 
In Australia, there is a certification (compliance) system that can involve agencies outside of the government authority but there is no compulsion to go through them.  Some people would certainly find it easier to do so, but part of my professional work is assessing compliance of vehicles and dealing directly with the government authority.  If I can do the same with the NZ government instrumentality (MoT), I might be able to provide you with the process that you need to import a Syncro from Australia and obtain recognition of compliance standards.  And, unless I am massively wrong, airbags don't come into it!!!! 
As a matter of interest, have you tried to contact the other NZ list member?  If he has a Syncro, I would like to know where he got it.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 6:18 PM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: Airbags.

This is the link that I got Mike Nieuwoudt's contact from, Land Transport NZ.
This may be of some interest?

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