on the News last night, have you seen the beautiful blue T2 burning to the ground in Sydney’s West ? Witnessing this event is truly heartbreaking. And yet again , it for sure has been a fault in the fuel transfer system. Our machines are aging and we repair on breakdown, whatever comes. We have to start asking questions. Is it enough to fix what is broken or do we have to do more to prevent such terrible mishaps as seen last night ? What can we do ? Would it help if we could write up a service schedule for our 20 + year old vehicles ? Especially fuel hoses come to mind, having had a look into the engine bay of our Tristar today, I saw the return fuel hose , going back into the tank, almost completely perished. I had replaced this hose about 12 years ago after it had ruptured in town , splurging fuel all over the hot engine.....
Maybe it would be worth a discussion , if we could take a leaf out of the aircraft industry and replace certain elements of our vehicles ON TIME and not on distance driven. The tank comes to mind here,
and seeing that my gearbox is out I might just take the tank out and check for condition, it could be rubbing against somewhere.
Last night brought it home for me... a Kombi, a Syncro burning to the ground those are images I can do without
Any thoughts on this topic ?