My name is David Leibmann and I purchased a blue trakka 1991 Syncro from a very pleasant couple from Canberra a couple of weeks ago. My wife and I got on 2 flights packed with pillow, sleeping bags and basics and after a wonderful 2 hour test drive were convinced this was our new baby. With oil, tyre pressure, coolant, etc checked, I almost forgot visit to the bank, we sailed down the Highway making it to the waters of Gosford for our first night on the open road. Sporting a oil leek (harmonic seal) regular oil checks were required along with a light right foot. We just replaced the mix of tyres and put 4 Toyo H08 on the original 14 " rims. I honoured to be a part of the Syncro club and I`m sure the sun will be shining on us whereever we travel in this amazing machine.
Cheers David Leibmann