Hi Rowan, thanks for your report on your Frazer trip, enjoyed it very much and it's ranking high on my to do list .
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> On 29 Sep 2015, at 11:31 am, Rowan Hardinge rowan.hardinge@yahoo.com [Syncro_T3_Australia] <Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> Hi Syncros,
> Report from my Frazer trip.
> To prepare for the trip I had all my rubber boots replaced
> Under vehicle.. I had already installed a ERPS electronic rust
> Prevention system. Finally thouroughly cleaned and sprayed the
> Underbody with Lanolin. Went for a drive on some dusty roads to
> Get a coating on dust to the lanolin prior to introducing sand.
> Support vehicle was a Land Cruiser high clearance with onboard air compressor. 4 guys in 2 cars.
> We got on the last barge from Inskip point before the sinkhole swallowed the caravan park!
> It was low tide and we travelled up the beach and saw 2 Dingoes on our way to the most Northery
> Camping area it was about 100km and we got there after dark and setup at the only communal
> Fire pit. A couple of swags set up there and later arrived with some Taylor was our 2 companions
> For the night in a nice Hilux. The 2.1 Syncro worked hard into the dark and the temp gauge was at at least 3/4 but stable.
> Speeds reached were up to 80kmph but usually around 60-70 at low tide. Washouts were not a problem. Softer sand was not a problem.
> Plenty of beers + spirits and music was played around the campfire. 2 guitars, piano harpsichord, bongo, and harmonicas.
> Add a professional muso to the mix and Pearl Jam covers and a few spontaneous originals never sounded so good😀
> Our new companions were pleasantly amused at the musical talent we had brought to the island!
> Explored some lakes and floated in them with pool noodles and a beer!. Camped on he beach dunes at Eli creek
> Swam and enjoyed the outgoing tide in the creek.
> On the way home had to turn around at the most southerly tip before the barge as it was getting treacherous.
> Did not want to end up on the wall of shame! The Syncro never got bogged down during the whole trip.
> My companions were surprised at its capability as usual! It was apparent that the factory suspension could do with an upgrade.. On sand a bit soft and bottomed out a few times. Still no complaints and my suspension has never felt better and after a thorough workout the squeaks have disappeared! The engine worked hard and faithfully all trip.
> We hauled ass back home and sat on 110kmph. All up fuel economy was excellent. 15 litres per 100 km on the sand.
> Spent a whole day washing the Syncro and camp gear out due to it raining on the last night and having to pack in the rain. Found holes in the underbody to put the hose into and watched all he sand and other mud etc come out amazing design feature! So the Syncro washed up as good as new and the drivetrain enjoyed the work!
> My Syncro never ceases to keep on giving and surprising me in tough off-road situations. Frazer I would class as an easy 4wd trip. A safe one too if you don't push the limits of nature, ie tides and it pays not to be in too much of a hurry..
> This was an exciting trip and much was learned about man and machine alike!
> I will post videos when they become available..
> Regards,
> Rowan
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