Now that I'm back home I need to get the syncro running asap. Basically here's the situations
The transmission has a total of 5000kms since it was completely rebuilt in the uk by a very reputable source though i won't mention names. I just Test drove the van near home and found it shifts and changes gears perfectly and the diff lock and decoupler engage/disengage fine. There are no noises coming from the gearbox in any gear or at different speeds when I drive either so honestly apart from the nugget of steel and metal filings I can't tell a problem.
As I don't want to risk causing more damage to the internals I haven't been driving the syncro regularly but I do plan to drop the trans and have it rebuilt in the hope maybe it isn't anything too serious. Basically looking for recommendation of a good mechanic or trans rebuilder so I can hopefully get the transmission sorted out for many more years of use. thanks guys,erik