Dotvw 2014

Hi Les, Was just on the VW club web site and they are listing the 15th and 16th as the dotvw.

Will it actually be open to the public both days or is the Sat just a set up day for the club? Greg E


I haven’t heard anything from the VW Club this year in terms of planning and, in any event, I will no longer be living in Melbourne after tomorrow.  I am moving to Uralla in NSW.

I imagine that the arrangements will be the same as for previous years but I will not be there to organize anything.



From: []
Sent: 25 August 2014 14:26
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Dotvw 2014

Hi Les, Was just on the VW club web site and they are listing the 15th and 16th as the dotvw.

Will it actually be open to the public both days or is the Sat just a set up day for the club? Greg E

Les, well sounds like it is a good time to say thanks for all your efforts with the club. If I see Lloyd I will ask him if the same area will be assigned to the syncros. If I had more time I would join the club and bat for our position but that is just not possible. I will confess I had to look up where Uralla is. Not far from Port Mac. Is this where all syncro owners go to retire? Best of Luck Les. Hope to catch up with you one day in our travels or may be a VW show is NSW. Greg E

From: "'Les Harris' [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <>
Sent: Monday, 25 August 2014 5:08 PM
Subject: RE: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Dotvw 2014

I haven’t heard anything from the VW Club this year in terms of planning and, in any event, I will no longer be living in Melbourne after tomorrow.  I am moving to Uralla in NSW.
I imagine that the arrangements will be the same as for previous years but I will not be there to organize anything.
From: []
Sent: 25 August 2014 14:26
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Dotvw 2014
Hi Les, Was just on the VW club web site and they are listing the 15th and 16th as the dotvw.
Will it actually be open to the public both days or is the Sat just a set up day for the club? Greg E

Les, I wish for a relaxing trip up North. Greg is right we again have a few Syncros here at Port, has been a bit quiet but now we have here Roger B's ex, 3 dokas (green, yellow, red) , Peter of Port, and a recent one I haven't met as yet. Things are looking up ! And also over the river at Crescent Head there is an English de luxe currently ondergoing a transplant with a 2 lt Tdi Golf engine . 
Les, when coming North, do not exit Port Mac. Carry on 4km and turn right into Hastings River Drive towards Port. From the exit go 300m only and turn left into Oakes crescent, go to the end 
enter 107, our drive way. We are right on the river. 
Phones : 040 3537 040.      02 6584 5699     0412 146 198
Take care, Hartmut

Sent from my iPad

On 25 Aug 2014, at 8:31 pm, "Greg Esposito [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <> wrote:


Les, well sounds like it is a good time to say thanks for all your efforts with the club. If I see Lloyd I will ask him if the same area will be assigned to the syncros. If I had more time I would join the club and bat for our position but that is just not possible. I will confess I had to look up where Uralla is. Not far from Port Mac. Is this where all syncro owners go to retire? Best of Luck Les. Hope to catch up with you one day in our travels or may be a VW show is NSW. Greg E

From: "'Les Harris' [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <>
Sent: Monday, 25 August 2014 5:08 PM
Subject: RE: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Dotvw 2014

I haven’t heard anything from the VW Club this year in terms of planning and, in any event, I will no longer be living in Melbourne after tomorrow.  I am moving to Uralla in NSW.
I imagine that the arrangements will be the same as for previous years but I will not be there to organize anything.
From: []
Sent: 25 August 2014 14:26
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Dotvw 2014
Hi Les, Was just on the VW club web site and they are listing the 15th and 16th as the dotvw.
Will it actually be open to the public both days or is the Sat just a set up day for the club? Greg E

Hi Les, I wish you all the best. It's a very beautiful part of the world. Thankyou for all your efforts maintaining the "Syncro-T3- Australia".
Gerald Cornish
On Mon, 25/8/14, 'Les Harris' [Syncro_T3_Australia] <> wrote:

Subject: RE: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Dotvw 2014
Received: Monday, 25 August, 2014, 5:08 PM


haven’t heard anything from the
VW Club this year in terms of planning and, in any event, I
will no longer be
living in Melbourne
after tomorrow. I am moving to Uralla in

imagine that the arrangements will be
the same as for previous years but I will not be there to
organize anything.



Sent: 25
August 2014 14:26


Dotvw 2014

Hi Les, Was just on
the VW club web site and they
are listing the 15th and 16th as the

Will it actually be
open to the public both days or is
the Sat just a set up day for the club? Greg

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Hi Les,
I presume you are in the middle of your move to Uralla so hope all is going well although I think the weather was not forecast to be too helpful. I thought Uralla was the opportunity shop we have here in Carlton but then my spelling has always left something to be desired. As the Syncro seeds you planted in Victoria have now sprouted all over Australia, Team Syncro should provide well earned solace for you in Northern NSW - just don't spend all your time eating bananas and roaring up and down the Rover trail. Put the billy on, draw on one of your special brown papered hand rolled cigarettes and enjoy your retirement. Look what has  happened to GMH since they  lost your skills and knowledge. I've still got my name tag and some of those great photos you enlarged and laminated for previous DOTVW which will come out again if I can get there this year
All the best, thanks and hope to see you at future events.

On Monday, 25 August 2014 10:40 PM, "Gerald Cornish [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <> wrote:

Hi Les, I wish you all the best. It's a very beautiful part of the world. Thankyou for all your efforts maintaining the "Syncro-T3- Australia".
Gerald Cornish
On Mon, 25/8/14, 'Les Harris' [Syncro_T3_Australia] <> wrote:

Subject: RE: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Dotvw 2014
Received: Monday, 25 August, 2014, 5:08 PM



haven’t heard anything from the
VW Club this year in terms of planning and, in any event, I
will no longer be
living in Melbourne
after tomorrow.  I am moving to Uralla in

imagine that the arrangements will be
the same as for previous years but I will not be there to
organize anything.




Sent: 25
August 2014 14:26


Dotvw 2014 

Hi Les, Was just on
the VW club web site and they
are listing the 15th and 16th as the

Will it actually be
open to the public both days or is
the Sat just a set up day for the club? Greg

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Is there any news on DOTVW yet?

The Victorian club always makes it hard for interstate visitors by their secrecy. It may be extra hard this year as I may not have internet access soon.



I have been out of the planning loop this year and I have no idea why.  The arrangements will presumably be the same as for last year but I have no confirmation of this.

Moreover, I have moved from Melbourne to Uralla and I am no longer part of the Melbourne scene.


From: []
Sent: 08 September 2014 19:04
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: Dotvw 2014

Is there any news on DOTVW yet?
The Victorian club always makes it hard for interstate visitors by their secrecy. It may be extra hard this year as I may not have internet access soon.

The web site says 2 days??????
New information

Day of the Volkswagen 2014


Thanks, Phill.  This link explains it quite well.  I knew that changes were afoot but not what.  As I said, I was not part of the organization this year.  I would note that I was previously the only person in our Syncro group who was a member of the VW Club of Victoria but, judging by the wording of the description of how this year’s event will be organized, this probably won’t matter any more.

I would suggest that someone still in Victoria does some on-the-day organizing by getting there early and laying claim to our usual strip.



From: []
Sent: 09 September 2014 19:35
Subject: RE: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: Dotvw 2014



New information

Day of the Volkswagen 2014



Day of the Volkswagen 2014

Day of the VW 2014 - the 60th Club celebration  




Preview by Yahoo





Hello all, I have been in contact with the VW club of Victoria re ticketing for the event. It has been organised for 20 vip passes to be sent to me. There is no way to do online payment this year, it is up to me to give them $15 for every ticket handed out. These tickets need to clipped at the gate on entry. I am open to suggestions on how to get the tickets to you and I will be there early to occupy the parking area (usual spot and gate) if you want the tickets on the day. What I do want to do is put aside tickets in peoples name just in case there are more than twenty takers. So at a minimum send me a confirmation with your name and approx. time you will show up and you can call me on 0409 420 164 on the day and I will deliver the ticket to you out side the gate. 

Greg Esposito (Trying in vein to fill Les' shoes!)

Put my name on one of those tickets please Greg. I'm working in Coburg next few weeks so I'm sure I can swing by to pick one up before DOTVW. Thanks, Eddie.
Sweet Eddie. They are in the post. Will let you know when they arrive. 

Sent from Greg's iPhone

On 22 Oct 2014, at 8:57 pm, " [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <> wrote:


Put my name on one of those tickets please Greg. I'm working in Coburg next few weeks so I'm sure I can swing by to pick one up before DOTVW. Thanks, Eddie.

I missed a couple of details that I had better make clear. The only way to park in the syncro area is to enter via the top gate using a vip pass(one car, two people). If you enter at the normal gate it will cost you five dollars more and you will NOT be able to drive around to the syncro area. Looking forward to the day and hopeful we get more takers as a poor showing will probably see us loose our covenanted area next year.  Greg

From: " [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 22 October 2014, 11:47
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] DOTVW 2014

Hello all, I have been in contact with the VW club of Victoria re ticketing for the event. It has been organised for 20 vip passes to be sent to me. There is no way to do online payment this year, it is up to me to give them $15 for every ticket handed out. These tickets need to clipped at the gate on entry. I am open to suggestions on how to get the tickets to you and I will be there early to occupy the parking area (usual spot and gate) if you want the tickets on the day. What I do want to do is put aside tickets in peoples name just in case there are more than twenty takers. So at a minimum send me a confirmation with your name and approx. time you will show up and you can call me on 0409 420 164 on the day and I will deliver the ticket to you out side the gate. 
Greg Esposito (Trying in vein to fill Les' shoes!)

Eddie, All, The VIP passes have landed. Greg

From: "Greg Esposito [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, 23 October 2014, 12:04
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] DOTVW 2014

I missed a couple of details that I had better make clear. The only way to park in the syncro area is to enter via the top gate using a vip pass(one car, two people). If you enter at the normal gate it will cost you five dollars more and you will NOT be able to drive around to the syncro area. Looking forward to the day and hopeful we get more takers as a poor showing will probably see us loose our covenanted area next year.  Greg

From: " [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 22 October 2014, 11:47
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] DOTVW 2014

Hello all, I have been in contact with the VW club of Victoria re ticketing for the event. It has been organised for 20 vip passes to be sent to me. There is no way to do online payment this year, it is up to me to give them $15 for every ticket handed out. These tickets need to clipped at the gate on entry. I am open to suggestions on how to get the tickets to you and I will be there early to occupy the parking area (usual spot and gate) if you want the tickets on the day. What I do want to do is put aside tickets in peoples name just in case there are more than twenty takers. So at a minimum send me a confirmation with your name and approx. time you will show up and you can call me on 0409 420 164 on the day and I will deliver the ticket to you out side the gate. 
Greg Esposito (Trying in vein to fill Les' shoes!)

Hello Greg and all,
Didn't think I'd be able to make it to dotvw this year but decided to come up for half of the day. I'll be coming up possibly with a few others, a few T3 2wds, vans, dokas and a few Syncro's. What's the current situation with the VIP passes, have they all been taken? It would be great to see a good showing of T3's at least in the 'coveted area'.
Cheers everyone.
Andy Sinclair.

Sent from my iPhad

On 24 Oct 2014, at 1:35 pm, Greg Esposito [Syncro_T3_Australia] <> wrote:


Eddie, All, The VIP passes have landed. Greg

From: "Greg Esposito [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, 23 October 2014, 12:04
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] DOTVW 2014

I missed a couple of details that I had better make clear. The only way to park in the syncro area is to enter via the top gate using a vip pass(one car, two people). If you enter at the normal gate it will cost you five dollars more and you will NOT be able to drive around to the syncro area. Looking forward to the day and hopeful we get more takers as a poor showing will probably see us loose our covenanted area next year.  Greg

From: " [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 22 October 2014, 11:47
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] DOTVW 2014

Hello all, I have been in contact with the VW club of Victoria re ticketing for the event. It has been organised for 20 vip passes to be sent to me. There is no way to do online payment this year, it is up to me to give them $15 for every ticket handed out. These tickets need to clipped at the gate on entry. I am open to suggestions on how to get the tickets to you and I will be there early to occupy the parking area (usual spot and gate) if you want the tickets on the day. What I do want to do is put aside tickets in peoples name just in case there are more than twenty takers. So at a minimum send me a confirmation with your name and approx. time you will show up and you can call me on 0409 420 164 on the day and I will deliver the ticket to you out side the gate. 
Greg Esposito (Trying in vein to fill Les' shoes!)

Hi Andy, Plenty of passes left. We have six cars so far and twenty passes. Just call my mobile 0409420164 when you get to the gate. Passes are $15 if you have the right change that would help. When you say half the day do you mean the first half? 

From: "andy sinclair [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, 15 November 2014, 8:09
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] DOTVW 2014

Hello Greg and all,
Didn't think I'd be able to make it to dotvw this year but decided to come up for half of the day. I'll be coming up possibly with a few others, a few T3 2wds, vans, dokas and a few Syncro's. What's the current situation with the VIP passes, have they all been taken? It would be great to see a good showing of T3's at least in the 'coveted area'.
Cheers everyone.
Andy Sinclair.

Sent from my iPhad

On 24 Oct 2014, at 1:35 pm, Greg Esposito [Syncro_T3_Australia] <> wrote:

Eddie, All, The VIP passes have landed. Greg

From: "Greg Esposito [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, 23 October 2014, 12:04
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] DOTVW 2014

I missed a couple of details that I had better make clear. The only way to park in the syncro area is to enter via the top gate using a vip pass(one car, two people). If you enter at the normal gate it will cost you five dollars more and you will NOT be able to drive around to the syncro area. Looking forward to the day and hopeful we get more takers as a poor showing will probably see us loose our covenanted area next year.  Greg

From: " [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 22 October 2014, 11:47
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] DOTVW 2014

Hello all, I have been in contact with the VW club of Victoria re ticketing for the event. It has been organised for 20 vip passes to be sent to me. There is no way to do online payment this year, it is up to me to give them $15 for every ticket handed out. These tickets need to clipped at the gate on entry. I am open to suggestions on how to get the tickets to you and I will be there early to occupy the parking area (usual spot and gate) if you want the tickets on the day. What I do want to do is put aside tickets in peoples name just in case there are more than twenty takers. So at a minimum send me a confirmation with your name and approx. time you will show up and you can call me on 0409 420 164 on the day and I will deliver the ticket to you out side the gate. 
Greg Esposito (Trying in vein to fill Les' shoes!)

Hi Greg, that's great. Yes will be there for the first half. What time do gates open for car entry? Will send you an email or text later today with a confirmation of numbers. Cheers, Andy Sinclair.

Sent from my Phone

On 15 Nov 2014, at 8:28 am, Greg Esposito [Syncro_T3_Australia] <> wrote:


Hi Andy, Plenty of passes left. We have six cars so far and twenty passes. Just call my mobile 0409420164 when you get to the gate. Passes are $15 if you have the right change that would help. When you say half the day do you mean the first half? 

From: "andy sinclair [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, 15 November 2014, 8:09
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] DOTVW 2014

Hello Greg and all,
Didn't think I'd be able to make it to dotvw this year but decided to come up for half of the day. I'll be coming up possibly with a few others, a few T3 2wds, vans, dokas and a few Syncro's. What's the current situation with the VIP passes, have they all been taken? It would be great to see a good showing of T3's at least in the 'coveted area'.
Cheers everyone.
Andy Sinclair.

Sent from my iPhad

On 24 Oct 2014, at 1:35 pm, Greg Esposito [Syncro_T3_Australia] <> wrote:

Eddie, All, The VIP passes have landed. Greg

From: "Greg Esposito [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, 23 October 2014, 12:04
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] DOTVW 2014

I missed a couple of details that I had better make clear. The only way to park in the syncro area is to enter via the top gate using a vip pass(one car, two people). If you enter at the normal gate it will cost you five dollars more and you will NOT be able to drive around to the syncro area. Looking forward to the day and hopeful we get more takers as a poor showing will probably see us loose our covenanted area next year.  Greg

From: " [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 22 October 2014, 11:47
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] DOTVW 2014

Hello all, I have been in contact with the VW club of Victoria re ticketing for the event. It has been organised for 20 vip passes to be sent to me. There is no way to do online payment this year, it is up to me to give them $15 for every ticket handed out. These tickets need to clipped at the gate on entry. I am open to suggestions on how to get the tickets to you and I will be there early to occupy the parking area (usual spot and gate) if you want the tickets on the day. What I do want to do is put aside tickets in peoples name just in case there are more than twenty takers. So at a minimum send me a confirmation with your name and approx. time you will show up and you can call me on 0409 420 164 on the day and I will deliver the ticket to you out side the gate. 
Greg Esposito (Trying in vein to fill Les' shoes!)

That's great Andy. Gates open at 9.00am.

From: "Andy Sinclair [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, 15 November 2014, 8:45
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] DOTVW 2014

Hi Greg, that's great. Yes will be there for the first half. What time do gates open for car entry? Will send you an email or text later today with a confirmation of numbers. Cheers, Andy Sinclair.

Sent from my Phone

On 15 Nov 2014, at 8:28 am, Greg Esposito [Syncro_T3_Australia] <> wrote:

Hi Andy, Plenty of passes left. We have six cars so far and twenty passes. Just call my mobile 0409420164 when you get to the gate. Passes are $15 if you have the right change that would help. When you say half the day do you mean the first half? 

From: "andy sinclair [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, 15 November 2014, 8:09
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] DOTVW 2014

Hello Greg and all,
Didn't think I'd be able to make it to dotvw this year but decided to come up for half of the day. I'll be coming up possibly with a few others, a few T3 2wds, vans, dokas and a few Syncro's. What's the current situation with the VIP passes, have they all been taken? It would be great to see a good showing of T3's at least in the 'coveted area'.
Cheers everyone.
Andy Sinclair.

Sent from my iPhad

On 24 Oct 2014, at 1:35 pm, Greg Esposito [Syncro_T3_Australia] <> wrote:

Eddie, All, The VIP passes have landed. Greg

From: "Greg Esposito [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, 23 October 2014, 12:04
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] DOTVW 2014

I missed a couple of details that I had better make clear. The only way to park in the syncro area is to enter via the top gate using a vip pass(one car, two people). If you enter at the normal gate it will cost you five dollars more and you will NOT be able to drive around to the syncro area. Looking forward to the day and hopeful we get more takers as a poor showing will probably see us loose our covenanted area next year.  Greg

From: " [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 22 October 2014, 11:47
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] DOTVW 2014

Hello all, I have been in contact with the VW club of Victoria re ticketing for the event. It has been organised for 20 vip passes to be sent to me. There is no way to do online payment this year, it is up to me to give them $15 for every ticket handed out. These tickets need to clipped at the gate on entry. I am open to suggestions on how to get the tickets to you and I will be there early to occupy the parking area (usual spot and gate) if you want the tickets on the day. What I do want to do is put aside tickets in peoples name just in case there are more than twenty takers. So at a minimum send me a confirmation with your name and approx. time you will show up and you can call me on 0409 420 164 on the day and I will deliver the ticket to you out side the gate. 
Greg Esposito (Trying in vein to fill Les' shoes!)