Gday Michael and ALL,
I couldn't agree more about the offroad downhill braking issue for
heavily laden syncros.
I'm sure the standard brakes and pads are fine for standard issue
syncros with middling payloads, whereas I know from experience, 2.5 tons
plus in offroad, downhill slopes and in pretty hot summer conditions
makes for very interesting driving, to say the least. What I found was
that in G gear, the syncro still wanted to build momentum, hence I
needed to also judiciously ride the brakes as well to contain it. You
know you have a problem .... you can smell it and you can fry eggs n
bacon easily on all four steel rims.
I recall the 1992 owner of my syncro telling me of his hair raising
experiences when he joined a 4WD tag-along tour with a mixed bag of
other brand 4WD vehicles. The other vehicles seemed to be able to crawl
down slopes better than he could, hence the frightening occasions when
he was at risk of running into the backs of vehicles in front. I guess
in hindsight, proceeding cautiously further apart makes a lot of sense.
Clearly, lightening the load has many benefits, fuel usage, braking,
wear and tear etc. Easier said than done.
I thought a cheaper solution than Martins worth at least a try was to
install the 4WD version brake pads. One example I was recommended to try
was the Bendix DB1139/4WD model pad. Apparently, amongst other
characteristics, they handle heat much better. Too late though, upon
enquiry, I was told Bendix had ceased production of that particular
model. Probably not enough demand. Now there may be something similar
available from a different manufacturer or there may be a different
model of pad that has better characteristics to suit heavy syncros,
something at least better than the stock standard issue pads. This needs
further investigation.
So I remain unsure also as to which way to jump on this issue, I don't
think I can justify the huge dollars Martin has been quoting for the
alternate specialised solutions.
Anyone else gone down this road and can suggest a compromise solution,
aside from ... "yeah, stay on the bitumen!", your contributions would be
appreciated. TIA.
--- In, Michael Roberts
<type500@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I finally got the change to take my syncro off road for the first time
on the weekend up at Bright (VIC). I have to say its performance was
outstanding. I was amazed at its off road capability and the way it
handled its self. It went up slopes I thought would be far to step and
the engine practically idled up them. Got to love G-gear. However I
did start to run out of brakes on the way down. But a few stops to take
in the scenery and the pedal came back to life. Some of the guys I was
with said it is always a good idea to carry chains with you in case you
need a bit of extra grip. If you up grade to 15" wheels can you
still fit chains or do you start getting a wheel clearance issue? Also
what do people do to get better braking? The brakes are not in bad shape
but I don't know what pads and linings area being used.
> Cheers,
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