Beg your pardon Greg,
It was actually Yurik who did send it.
From: [] On Behalf Of Greg Esposito
Sent: 22 April 2014 07:36
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Miracle - Syncro Dies on easter saturday and is resurrected a few hours later. No chocolate involved.
From: Yurik Orlowsky <>
Sent: Monday, 21 April 2014 1:02 PM
Subject: RE: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Miracle - Syncro Dies on easter saturday and is resurrected a few hours later. No chocolate involved.
Hi Paul
The part number for Hall sender with mounting parts is 035 998 065.
It is available at justkampers;
From: [] On Behalf Of Paul Dumais
Sent: Monday, 21 April 2014 9:10 AM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Miracle - Syncro Dies on easter saturday and is resurrected a few hours later. No chocolate involved.
Hi All,
After filling the van to the brim to move house, I pulled into a local Byron Bay cafe to pick up my mum.
While pulling into the spot the van just died.
There was no hiccup or splutter and felt like spark had simply vanished.
I called my mate and mechanic Brian Early and he recalled a similar event is his T3 that was traced to the computer.
So i hitched 10 mins to his place, where he had pulled the computer out of his spare T3 2wd.
Hitched a ride back in a combi panel van, thanks Gary.
Emptied the van to get under the rock and roll seat and swapped the ecu.
No dice, still turning over without any firing.
Called my mate Janian from Byron Mechanical who works on a lot of T3's and other VW's.
He suggested the hall sensor in the dizzy may be the culprit.
By this time my mate a stones through away was home from a surf and I grabbed his incredibly spacious and smooth Renault Traffic.
Back to Brians and I pinched his dizzy.
Then I had to empty the back of the van to get under the engine hatch.
Swapped the dizzy and it didn't work.
I was feeling pretty frustrated by this time.
I decided to check fuel pressure and thought maybe the fuel pump had died, although that didn't seem likely from the way the engine died.
Then i noticed I hadn't plugged the coil lead in and hey presto resurrection.
I feel so lucky that I have friends like Brian and Janian, not to mention the friends who saw me working on the car at the cafe who offered lifts and loan cars.
My query is, has anyone replaced the hall sensor chip alone rather than the whole unit?
If so, Do you have a part number?
I have had to replace hall sensors in my electric bike motors a few times and they are very cheap at around $3.
Also if anyone has a working hall sensor unit they are willing to sell please let me know.
Paul Dumais
Aerospace Engineer