Fwd: Brake test

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From: Hartmut Kiehn <hartis@live.com.au>
Subject: Re: Brake test
Date: 9 March 2018 3:31:31 pm AEDT
To: Hartmut Kiehn <hartis@live.com.au>

Hi All,

just a tad worried, as more and more inspection stations do use this procedure (at least 6 in Port Macquarie).
 I had the Drag Alignment fixed but have no answers for the failed brake test. In particular the handbrake can’t be
improved as it works (or doesn’t) onto disks in my case. I would have to go back to drums,

I might mention that before the test  i had installed a BMW booster, the original had failed

Any input is greatly appreciated
PS Had mine inspected the good old way somewhere else and so i am good for another year.

On 9 Mar 2018, at 3:13 pm, Hartmut Kiehn <hartis@live.com.au> wrote:

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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