Go Westy Geared Starter install - Subaru engine

Hi All

Just went through hell installing the geared starter.

It arrived from US with instructions. The instructions promptly went into the bin.

It would not fit as they said.

After some re thinking, I got it installed and it works well.

My install went like this (no need to lower the engine):

I have the Subaru EJ25 engine installed.

1: remove battery ground (about the only instruction in common).

2: remove rear RH wheel.

3: remove drive shaft attaching bolts and hang to one side.

4: remove difflock servo including the bracket on the gearbox.

5: remove the 12mm nut holding the wiring onto the starter and push to one side.

6: remove upper bolt and lower nut on original starter and remove starter.

7: Cut a piece of 10mm metric threaded rod exactly 110mm long and screw it into the top mounting hole. It MUST project exactly 20mm (this is the trick).

8: Leave the bottom stud in place.

9: On the new starter set the adjusting flange as they say (at least that was right). And don't fit the clinch nut. You can't use it.

10 The new starter will slip onto the protruding studs. At the top, just enough room to slide a 10mm nut onto the stud (I had to cut down a 17mm spanner to tighten it).

11: Wiring and your done.