Group Tasmania Trip.

I haven't forgotten that I promised to follow up on this topic on my return and have certainly given it some thought. Talking to my son who unfortunately has just left Tasmania he thinks March would be a good time to go as it avoids the school holidays and more adverse weather. I am thinking we should probably plan a 1 week visit extending into a second week for those who can spare the time. The Spirit of Tasmania gives cheaper daytime sailings(cf overnight) between 27 Jan and 12 March. There should also be the potential to include more demanding loops that some may want to bypass eg the coastal road to Strahan from the North. Ther is a good car museum in Launceston, Cradle Mountain, the Bay of Fires, Freycinet Peninsula Hobart Port Arthur Maria  and Bruny Islands and down to our most southerly point Cockle Creek should all warm the cockles of your heart.
I hope to talk to others at the DoTVW but feel we should be able to get 8 - 10 vehicles. Is there enough interest to pursue it further? Would like  feedback to take it in an appropriate direction particularly from our Tasmanian faithful. There's a well regarded 4WD book of Tasmania which I will obtain if it looks a goer.I also do quite a good Tasmanian Devil impression. (being incredibly ugly, motheaten and prone to fighting everyone for food)

Thanks for this latest update. Subject to further developing tour details in the near future, this family of (possibly) two are still interested.

So here goes, my two bobs worth, early thoughts to add to the mix with any others considering participating. 

I'm unaware of any syncros from Tassie, maybe Les can identify any from his forum records and advise.

Still wondering re departing/returning from/to Devonport ferry port, are there advantages/considerations for travelling "more or less" clockwise OR anti-clockwise around Tassie?

Concerning a time-frame:
My previous research months ago also concluded the "Low Demand" Ferry period is best, in particular in my view during the 5.5 weeks period from when Tassie schools have re-commenced (15/02/2012) through to the end of the "Low Demand" Ferry period that finishes 25/03/2012, which is just prior to the start of Easter school holidays.
Some time-frame considerations of mine being ...
* A mid February group tour start ex Davenport offers participants a lead time of up to 3.5 months for tour preparations and consideration for those travelling from interstate.
* Tassie weather should still be quite "summery".
* Offers the "window of opportunity" of up to 5.5 weeks during which to participate in both a Tassie group tour followed by optional solo touring.
* Two way bookings on The Spirit of Tasmania Ferry, (goto: ) would be more readily available, can be booked later and the most economical.
* Managing 6-10 vans that arrive impromptu at destinations throughout Tassie, the issues of camping grounds availability, tourist destinations congestion, shopping, parking availability etc. for this number of vehicles ought to at least be considered and so, touring only during the "Low demand" period would be much simpler, readier access and economical.
* For mishaps, Tassie mechanics should be back at work by mid February. Maybe make a list of any known "qualified" Tassie mechanics, just in case?

Concerning an itinerary:
* As a first timer, I'd be content with a combo of "must see attractions" plus some 4WDing destinations as we wind around Tassie. Maybe a highlights/destinations list to tick and/or cross off would help identify a majority preferred itinerary? Or else leave this itinerary to the local experts who have the local knowledge?
* Perhaps a mix of free camping and tourist park overnighting, the latter for periodic camping battery recharge/occasional hot showers/laundry and of course, topping up van fresh water tanks.

Concerning the Tour duration:
I can imagine even a month wouldn't do justice to Tassie, especially if enough time is allowed for discovery, walking and relax times. So to add to the debate, maybe at least a group tour itinerary of say 14 days, followed by optional solo touring for those who choose to, all within the "Low Demand" Ferry period finishing 25/03/2012 as detailed above.

I've already been asked ... "are any other women going, if not, I'm not". So may I suggest getting on top of this answer early may help get a group of syncros involved.

Grist to the mill. Hopefully this post may kickstart others interested to add there own input here, plus what you may glean face to face at the DOTV shortly.



Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2011 07:31:15 -0700
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Group Tasmania Trip.

I haven't forgotten that I promised to follow up on this topic on my return and have certainly given it some thought. Talking to my son who unfortunately has just left Tasmania he thinks March would be a good time to go as it avoids the school holidays and more adverse weather. I am thinking we should probably plan a 1 week visit extending into a second week for those who can spare the time. The Spirit of Tasmania gives cheaper daytime sailings(cf overnight) between 27 Jan and 12 March. There should also be the potential to include more demanding loops that some may want to bypass eg the coastal road to Strahan from the North. Ther is a good car museum in Launceston, Cradle Mountain, the Bay of Fires, Freycinet Peninsula Hobart Port Arthur Maria  and Bruny Islands and down to our most southerly point Cockle Creek should all warm the cockles of your heart.
I hope to talk to others at the DoTVW but feel we should be able to get 8 - 10 vehicles. Is there enough interest to pursue it further? Would like  feedback to take it in an appropriate direction particularly from our Tasmanian faithful. There's a well regarded 4WD book of Tasmania which I will obtain if it looks a goer.I also do quite a good Tasmanian Devil impression. (being incredibly ugly, motheaten and prone to fighting everyone for food)

Thanks Ken- This is the sort of thoughtful feedback I was looking for. I agree on the question of the "other women" unfortunately Mrs Roger is unlikely to come but our Kombis to the Kape trip was made much better (civilised?) by the 2 women present 1 of whom drives a T2 and comes from TASMANIA. (Heidi - Neil's sister)
Keep thinking about it everyone and let us have your imput even if not attending. I like the idea of a list to categorise into must see/ see if time/ little interest and allowing people to go off solo either side of the core time to pursue their particular Tasmanian interests like marrying their sister.
Will update and report back but thanks.

--- On Wed, 2/11/11, Ken Garratt <> wrote:

From: Ken Garratt <>
Subject: RE: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Group Tasmania Trip.
To: "_T3_Australia forum Syncro" <>
Received: Wednesday, 2 November, 2011, 8:08 AM


Thanks for this latest update. Subject to further developing tour details in the near future, this family of (possibly) two are still interested.

So here goes, my two bobs worth, early thoughts to add to the mix with any others considering participating. 

I'm unaware of any syncros from Tassie, maybe Les can identify any from his forum records and advise.

Still wondering re departing/returning from/to Devonport ferry port, are there advantages/considerations for travelling "more or less" clockwise OR anti-clockwise around Tassie?

Concerning a time-frame:
My previous research months ago also concluded the "Low Demand" Ferry period is best, in particular in my view during the 5.5 weeks period from when Tassie schools have re-commenced (15/02/2012) through to the end of the "Low Demand" Ferry period that finishes 25/03/2012, which is just prior to the start of Easter school holidays.
Some time-frame considerations of mine being ...
* A mid February group tour start ex Davenport offers participants a lead time of up to 3.5 months for tour preparations and consideration for those travelling from interstate.
* Tassie weather should still be quite "summery".
* Offers the "window of opportunity" of up to 5.5 weeks during which to participate in both a Tassie group tour followed by optional solo touring.
* Two way bookings on The Spirit of Tasmania Ferry, (goto: ) would be more readily available, can be booked later and the most economical.
* Managing 6-10 vans that arrive impromptu at destinations throughout Tassie, the issues of camping grounds availability, tourist destinations congestion, shopping, parking availability etc. for this number of vehicles ought to at least be considered and so, touring only during the "Low demand" period would be much simpler, readier access and economical.
* For mishaps, Tassie mechanics should be back at work by mid February. Maybe make a list of any known "qualified" Tassie mechanics, just in case?

Concerning an itinerary:
* As a first timer, I'd be content with a combo of "must see attractions" plus some 4WDing destinations as we wind around Tassie. Maybe a highlights/destinations list to tick and/or cross off would help identify a majority preferred itinerary? Or else leave this itinerary to the local experts who have the local knowledge?
* Perhaps a mix of free camping and tourist park overnighting, the latter for periodic camping battery recharge/occasional hot showers/laundry and of course, topping up van fresh water tanks.

Concerning the Tour duration:
I can imagine even a month wouldn't do justice to Tassie, especially if enough time is allowed for discovery, walking and relax times. So to add to the debate, maybe at least a group tour itinerary of say 14 days, followed by optional solo touring for those who choose to, all within the "Low Demand" Ferry period finishing 25/03/2012 as detailed above.

I've already been asked ... "are any other women going, if not, I'm not". So may I suggest getting on top of this answer early may help get a group of syncros involved.

Grist to the mill. Hopefully this post may kickstart others interested to add there own input here, plus what you may glean face to face at the DOTV shortly.



Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2011 07:31:15 -0700
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Group Tasmania Trip.

I haven't forgotten that I promised to follow up on this topic on my return and have certainly given it some thought. Talking to my son who unfortunately has just left Tasmania he thinks March would be a good time to go as it avoids the school holidays and more adverse weather. I am thinking we should probably plan a 1 week visit extending into a second week for those who can spare the time. The Spirit of Tasmania gives cheaper daytime sailings(cf overnight) between 27 Jan and 12 March. There should also be the potential to include more demanding loops that some may want to bypass eg the coastal road to Strahan from the North. Ther is a good car museum in Launceston, Cradle Mountain, the Bay of Fires, Freycinet Peninsula Hobart Port Arthur Maria  and Bruny Islands and down to our most southerly point Cockle Creek should all warm the cockles of your heart.
I hope to talk to others at the DoTVW but feel we should be able to get 8 - 10 vehicles. Is there enough interest to pursue it further? Would like  feedback to take it in an appropriate direction particularly from our Tasmanian faithful. There's a well regarded 4WD book of Tasmania which I will obtain if it looks a goer.I also do quite a good Tasmanian Devil impression. (being incredibly ugly, motheaten and prone to fighting everyone for food)