Happy New Year

Wishing you all a healthy and happy 2014 and thank you for your posts.

Always interesting and informative.

Now that Silvano from S& T Automotive has retired does anyone know of a competent Synchro mechanic in adelaide/S.A.?

My '89 Synchro is cutting out as I am driving - usually only within the first 10 minutes of driving. The ignition switch is only 3 months old. After pulling over, the vehicle always starts again immediately and then usually goes fine for the rest of the trip. Any ideas?


Peter Leolkes

Hi Peter,

Contact Bob at Volks Care, 22 Tania Avenue Windsor Gardens 83691233 open 10-4 weekdays.

He is VW mechanic. including T3s. He sorted out the gremlins in my T3 Syncro purchased back in April last year.


Perhaps we could meet someday since we are Syncro owners on the forum living in the same city.

My mobile: 0419216096.


Bruce Morphett.