lifted springs etc

Hello Peter,I just saw the photo you attatched.Looks like you have done some suspension work since we measured heights at Christmas.If you have posted the details I have missed them.Could you please inform us of the work that has been done.The van looks like it sits much higher and those rims look heaps better.
I am interested in raising mine up a bit, would like to know what you have used to achieve this.
The weather looked good at Horseshoe that weekend.Pity you blokes didnt venture on the sandy stuff.Maybe a Christmas hey?
Love the camping shot Peter.

Looks like great weather with shorts and t-shirts and love those solar panels.

How did they go and what rating are they? Were they just powering  the fridge?



On 9/06/2011 9:17 PM, Ben wrote:

Hello Peter,I just saw the photo you attatched.Looks like you have done some suspension work since we measured heights at Christmas.If you have posted the details I have missed them.Could you please inform us of the work that has been done.The van looks like it sits much higher and those rims look heaps better.
I am interested in raising mine up a bit, would like to know what you have used to achieve this.
The weather looked good at Horseshoe that weekend.Pity you blokes didnt venture on the sandy stuff.Maybe a Christmas hey?

Hi Ben. Good to hear from you. No, I have not changed suspension. Still the same the same springs and the OMEs that Hart and I put in. It is just the effect of the new Mefro 15” rims and nice new Firestone tyres. It does look so much higher than Hart’s standard set up. I wonder when old age will creep in and I have to lower back to normal to save my back J. Already very grateful for the grab handle inside!!!


We are off to Hat Head this weekend but I will be keeping off the beach. Don’t like the potential rust issues.


Cheers, Peter from Port


Hi Skot. Four of us acquired ex Telstra 80 watt panels (legally I must add) and we got one for Hart as well. The lads have them hooked up to deep cycle batteries which run Engel fridges. I have not got mine set up yet but I know that as I have a standard 3 way fridge the panel will only be a help, not the final solution. The other guys have top opening fridges and on most days in this area the panels work very effectively.


I will be getting a nice battery like you to fit under the passenger seat. I have a nice dual battery control unit from Traxide and will also get a decent charger. Then I will replace the fridge with a compressor one. All just takes $$$$$. J


Cheers, Peter from Port



Alright for you young blokes, Hartmut and I'd need a step to climb up that high ... rarified air up there?

I'm wondering perhaps if Hartmut has 14" rims compared to your 15" and he has no extra elevating pads with the springs as yours does that helps make the difference? Also are your tyres a 75 or 80 high profile tyre?

On a side slope, I think I'd rather be in Hartmuts!!!!!!!  haha



Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2011 07:48:51 +1000
Subject: RE: [Syncro_T3_Australia] lifted springs etc


Hi Ben. Good to hear from you. No, I have not changed suspension. Still the same the same springs and the OMEs that Hart and I put in. It is just the effect of the new Mefro 15” rims and nice new Firestone tyres. It does look so much higher than Hart’s standard set up. I wonder when old age will creep in and I have to lower back to normal to save my back J. Already very grateful for the grab handle inside!!!


We are off to Hat Head this weekend but I will be keeping off the beach. Don’t like the potential rust issues.


Cheers, Peter from Port


 Yes like me those dollars are becoming more difficult to hang on to long enough to spend on the syncro.

We had an Electrolux 3 way fridge prior to the Weaco one and the burn gas just stunk to the point where when we had kids the gas fridge had to go. I cant believe how quiet and effective the compressor fridges are even on a steep slope.

We still use a gas stove but one that we put in the tent - not the syncro so the gas smell is not an issue.

On 10/06/2011 7:55 AM, Peter Coe wrote:

Hi Skot. Four of us acquired ex Telstra 80 watt panels (legally I must add) and we got one for Hart as well. The lads have them hooked up to deep cycle batteries which run Engel fridges. I have not got mine set up yet but I know that as I have a standard 3 way fridge the panel will only be a help, not the final solution. The other guys have top opening fridges and on most days in this area the panels work very effectively.


I will be getting a nice battery like you to fit under the passenger seat. I have a nice dual battery control unit from Traxide and will also get a decent charger. Then I will replace the fridge with a compressor one. All just takes $$$$$. J


Cheers, Peter from Port


Enjoy Hat Head.You make me jealous.You will have the same rust issues just being parked at the beach.Nothing a good hose off wouldnt fix.
While you are there turn right just before the wooden bridge,before town.Travel down the road and turn right onto the dirt road heading to Hungary Head beach,follow that road up to the water tower,a little further turn right down Russels Fire Trail.This will take you almost to Cresent Head.Good easy going track.
If you feel adventuous Hungary Head Beach is also a good beach,can be soft some years.This is where my mates named my bus the Airbus after I reconstructed the famous Australian Rally photos,launching all 4 wheels.Hat Head front beach is easy going all the way up SWR.Go on give it ago.

--- In, "Peter Coe" <peter@...> wrote:
> Hi Ben. Good to hear from you. No, I have not changed suspension. Still the
> same the same springs and the OMEs that Hart and I put in. It is just the
> effect of the new Mefro 15" rims and nice new Firestone tyres. It does look
> so much higher than Hart's standard set up. I wonder when old age will creep
> in and I have to lower back to normal to save my back J. Already very
> grateful for the grab handle inside!!!
> We are off to Hat Head this weekend but I will be keeping off the beach.
> Don't like the potential rust issues.
> Cheers, Peter from Port

Hi Ben. Phew. Hat Head was like camping behind a 380 with its engines going at full thrust. Boy did it blow and rain and thunder etc. But we are all made of stern stuff and stayed on until Monday morning. Luckily there is a large public shelter area that we took over and with a big tarp on the side and a fire in a brazier we had a good night. Thank goodness we are not still there as it got even wilder last night. Trouble all the way up the Mid North Coast.


But the Syncro did well, even though it is high off the ground!!! No leaks and all we had was a few shakes from the wind squalls that made us feel like we were in Christchurch.


Thanks for the tip on that road. I know that turn off and we have done some walking in that area. Will check it out next time.


Cheers, Peter from windy Port


Hey Pete,when it storms in Hat Head it REALLY storms.One year I was there it was like that for a week.All the girls went and got a motel in Port whilst the men stayed and dug trenches and held onto our tarps!
That was before I had kids(luckily)or a Syncro that I could of took shelter in.
When the weather is good,its the best place on earth,when its bad Id rather be somewhere else.
When I am up a Christmas I would like to do a tour with the mid north coast crew,maybe start at SWR through HH to Cresent(Plomer),across the ferry then to Harts.Just a thought.Skot will be keen.
Anyway glad your home safe.

--- In, "Peter Coe" <peter@...> wrote:
> Hi Ben. Phew. Hat Head was like camping behind a 380 with its engines going
> at full thrust. Boy did it blow and rain and thunder etc. But we are all
> made of stern stuff and stayed on until Monday morning. Luckily there is a
> large public shelter area that we took over and with a big tarp on the side
> and a fire in a brazier we had a good night. Thank goodness we are not still
> there as it got even wilder last night. Trouble all the way up the Mid North
> Coast.
> But the Syncro did well, even though it is high off the ground!!! No leaks
> and all we had was a few shakes from the wind squalls that made us feel like
> we were in Christchurch.
> Thanks for the tip on that road. I know that turn off and we have done some
> walking in that area. Will check it out next time.
> Cheers, Peter from windy Port

Hi Ben,


I’ll come too. So that’s already 4 of us, maybe we should ask Mark and his crew....Seeing that Ben offers some wilderness touring it could interest Ken too ?! I better get  moving, time is running out, have too take 2 water tanks out for cleaning , redo the Trakka plumbing incl new water pumps, sort out the annexes, instal headlight kit , and lift the ‘breadbox’ a few cms..........    Hart


From: [] On Behalf Of Ben
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2011 8:26 AM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc



Hey Pete,when it storms in Hat Head it REALLY storms.One year I was there it was like that for a week.All the girls went and got a motel in Port whilst the men stayed and dug trenches and held onto our tarps!
That was before I had kids(luckily)or a Syncro that I could of took shelter in.
When the weather is good,its the best place on earth,when its bad Id rather be somewhere else.
When I am up a Christmas I would like to do a tour with the mid north coast crew,maybe start at SWR through HH to Cresent(Plomer),across the ferry then to Harts.Just a thought.Skot will be keen.
Anyway glad your home safe.

--- In, "Peter Coe" <peter@...> wrote:
> Hi Ben. Phew. Hat Head was like camping behind a 380 with its engines going
> at full thrust. Boy did it blow and rain and thunder etc. But we are all
> made of stern stuff and stayed on until Monday morning. Luckily there is a
> large public shelter area that we took over and with a big tarp on the side
> and a fire in a brazier we had a good night. Thank goodness we are not still
> there as it got even wilder last night. Trouble all the way up the Mid North
> Coast.
> But the Syncro did well, even though it is high off the ground!!! No leaks
> and all we had was a few shakes from the wind squalls that made us feel like
> we were in Christchurch.
> Thanks for the tip on that road. I know that turn off and we have done some
> walking in that area. Will check it out next time.
> Cheers, Peter from windy Port

I'm keen. We are booked in for this Christmas @ Crescent Head starting January 1 as the New Years Eve there was a bit scary last year - too many hoodlums bashing the crap out of each other just behind my tent. I've never packed up a tent so fast in my life. Thankfully Harts Garage and Syncro Hire Service provided an excellent escape vehicle with no windows so it was very easy to load the tent and gear into and provided excellent flow through ventilation for the drive back. This is all depending on Crescent Head still being there after all this rain and the odd mini cyclone that hit Red-Rock near Coffs Harbour this morning.

Hopefully this year my syncro will go under its own steam up and back and along any trails we manage to negotiate.

We don't have the funds yet for the engine upgrade to a 2.5 scooby as we just picked up the Golf. I forgot to mention we didn't get a Generation 3 as they were all $4K - $5K so we managed to find a Generation 4 GLE with a 1.8L 20V donk for $4,300.00 - bargain. It has a few tiny bumps and minor scratches and was a bit dirty inside and out but nothing a good day cleaning, gluing and polishing couldn't fix. Plus its all black! But this and an upgraded computer has removed any spare cash that I could hide from the tax man.

See attached photo and note the AGRO number plate - perfect for the Boss's driving style.

I also noted that an option on this model was an electronic diff lock. If you did switch such a diff lock to a front wheel drive car - how would you steer?



On 14/06/2011 1:03 PM, Hartmut Kiehn wrote:

Hi Ben,


I’ll come too. So that’s already 4 of us, maybe we should ask Mark and his crew....Seeing that Ben offers some wilderness touring it could interest Ken too ?! I better get  moving, time is running out, have too take 2 water tanks out for cleaning , redo the Trakka plumbing incl new water pumps, sort out the annexes, instal headlight kit , and lift the ‘breadbox’ a few cms..........    Hart


From: [] On Behalf Of Ben
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2011 8:26 AM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc



Hey Pete,when it storms in Hat Head it REALLY storms.One year I was there it was like that for a week.All the girls went and got a motel in Port whilst the men stayed and dug trenches and held onto our tarps!
That was before I had kids(luckily)or a Syncro that I could of took shelter in.
When the weather is good,its the best place on earth,when its bad Id rather be somewhere else.
When I am up a Christmas I would like to do a tour with the mid north coast crew,maybe start at SWR through HH to Cresent(Plomer),across the ferry then to Harts.Just a thought.Skot will be keen.
Anyway glad your home safe.

--- In, "Peter Coe" <peter@...> wrote:
> Hi Ben. Phew. Hat Head was like camping behind a 380 with its engines going
> at full thrust. Boy did it blow and rain and thunder etc. But we are all
> made of stern stuff and stayed on until Monday morning. Luckily there is a
> large public shelter area that we took over and with a big tarp on the side
> and a fire in a brazier we had a good night. Thank goodness we are not still
> there as it got even wilder last night. Trouble all the way up the Mid North
> Coast.
> But the Syncro did well, even though it is high off the ground!!! No leaks
> and all we had was a few shakes from the wind squalls that made us feel like
> we were in Christchurch.
> Thanks for the tip on that road. I know that turn off and we have done some
> walking in that area. Will check it out next time.
> Cheers, Peter from windy Port

Hi Scott, I don't think your golf has a diff lock as such, the system they adopt uses the abs system to stop a wheel spinning up by applying that brake caliper. Much like the old pull on the hand brake trick. They are a great car, the only really common thing they suffered from when I was working on them was window regulators breaking. Keeping the window channels clean will help, judging by your T3 I am suppose they will be like the preverbial whistle before too long. Greg E

From: Scott Pitcher <>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2011 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc

I'm keen. We are booked in for this Christmas @ Crescent Head starting January 1 as the New Years Eve there was a bit scary last year - too many hoodlums bashing the crap out of each other just behind my tent. I've never packed up a tent so fast in my life. Thankfully Harts Garage and Syncro Hire Service provided an excellent escape vehicle with no windows so it was very easy to load the tent and gear into and provided excellent flow through ventilation for the drive back. This is all depending on Crescent Head still being there after all this rain and the odd mini cyclone that hit Red-Rock near Coffs Harbour this morning.

Hopefully this year my syncro will go under its own steam up and back and along any trails we manage to negotiate.

We don't have the funds yet for the engine upgrade to a 2.5 scooby as we just picked up the Golf. I forgot to mention we didn't get a Generation 3 as they were all $4K - $5K so we managed to find a Generation 4 GLE with a 1.8L 20V donk for $4,300.00 - bargain. It has a few tiny bumps and minor scratches and was a bit dirty inside and out but nothing a good day cleaning, gluing and polishing couldn't fix. Plus its all black! But this and an upgraded computer has removed any spare cash that I could hide from the tax man.

See attached photo and note the AGRO number plate - perfect for the Boss's driving style.

I also noted that an option on this model was an electronic diff lock. If you did switch such a diff lock to a front wheel drive car - how would you steer?



On 14/06/2011 1:03 PM, Hartmut Kiehn wrote:
Hi Ben,
I’ll come too. So that’s already 4 of us, maybe we should ask Mark and his crew....Seeing that Ben offers some wilderness touring it could interest Ken too ?! I better get  moving, time is running out, have too take 2 water tanks out for cleaning , redo the Trakka plumbing incl new water pumps, sort out the annexes, instal headlight kit , and lift the ‘breadbox’ a few cms..........    Hart
From: [] On Behalf Of Ben
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2011 8:26 AM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc
Hey Pete,when it storms in Hat Head it REALLY storms.One year I was there it was like that for a week.All the girls went and got a motel in Port whilst the men stayed and dug trenches and held onto our tarps!
That was before I had kids(luckily)or a Syncro that I could of took shelter in.
When the weather is good,its the best place on earth,when its bad Id rather be somewhere else.
When I am up a Christmas I would like to do a tour with the mid north coast crew,maybe start at SWR through HH to Cresent(Plomer),across the ferry then to Harts.Just a thought.Skot will be keen.
Anyway glad your home safe.

--- In, "Peter Coe" <peter@...> wrote:
> Hi Ben. Phew. Hat Head was like camping behind a 380 with its engines going
> at full thrust. Boy did it blow and rain and thunder etc. But we are all
> made of stern stuff and stayed on until Monday morning. Luckily there is a
> large public shelter area that we took over and with a big tarp on the side
> and a fire in a brazier we had a good night. Thank goodness we are not still
> there as it got even wilder last night. Trouble all the way up the Mid North
> Coast.
> But the Syncro did well, even though it is high off the ground!!! No leaks
> and all we had was a few shakes from the wind squalls that made us feel like
> we were in Christchurch.
> Thanks for the tip on that road. I know that turn off and we have done some
> walking in that area. Will check it out next time.
> Cheers, Peter from windy Port

Thanks for the info Greg.

It doesn't have the electronic diff lock as it was an option just the ABS and power everything else. Out central locking is the biggest pain it is not working correctly which I think is linked to the door close sensors as the interior light does not come on when the doors open.

Its already had a polish apart from the wheels and looks pretty good.

I might get the high pressure water blaster on the alloy wheels to get them clean - then paint over the gutter rash on one of the wheels.



On 14/06/2011 4:35 PM, greg esposito wrote:
Hi Scott, I don't think your golf has a diff lock as such, the system they adopt uses the abs system to stop a wheel spinning up by applying that brake caliper. Much like the old pull on the hand brake trick. They are a great car, the only really common thing they suffered from when I was working on them was window regulators breaking. Keeping the window channels clean will help, judging by your T3 I am suppose they will be like the preverbial whistle before too long. Greg E

From: Scott Pitcher <>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2011 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc

I'm keen. We are booked in for this Christmas @ Crescent Head starting January 1 as the New Years Eve there was a bit scary last year - too many hoodlums bashing the crap out of each other just behind my tent. I've never packed up a tent so fast in my life. Thankfully Harts Garage and Syncro Hire Service provided an excellent escape vehicle with no windows so it was very easy to load the tent and gear into and provided excellent flow through ventilation for the drive back. This is all depending on Crescent Head still being there after all this rain and the odd mini cyclone that hit Red-Rock near Coffs Harbour this morning.

Hopefully this year my syncro will go under its own steam up and back and along any trails we manage to negotiate.

We don't have the funds yet for the engine upgrade to a 2.5 scooby as we just picked up the Golf. I forgot to mention we didn't get a Generation 3 as they were all $4K - $5K so we managed to find a Generation 4 GLE with a 1.8L 20V donk for $4,300.00 - bargain. It has a few tiny bumps and minor scratches and was a bit dirty inside and out but nothing a good day cleaning, gluing and polishing couldn't fix. Plus its all black! But this and an upgraded computer has removed any spare cash that I could hide from the tax man.

See attached photo and note the AGRO number plate - perfect for the Boss's driving style.

I also noted that an option on this model was an electronic diff lock. If you did switch such a diff lock to a front wheel drive car - how would you steer?



On 14/06/2011 1:03 PM, Hartmut Kiehn wrote:
Hi Ben,
I’ll come too. So that’s already 4 of us, maybe we should ask Mark and his crew....Seeing that Ben offers some wilderness touring it could interest Ken too ?! I better get moving, time is running out, have too take 2 water tanks out for cleaning , redo the Trakka plumbing incl new water pumps, sort out the annexes, instal headlight kit , and lift the ‘breadbox’ a few cms.......... Hart
From: [] On Behalf Of Ben
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2011 8:26 AM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc
Hey Pete,when it storms in Hat Head it REALLY storms.One year I was there it was like that for a week.All the girls went and got a motel in Port whilst the men stayed and dug trenches and held onto our tarps!
That was before I had kids(luckily)or a Syncro that I could of took shelter in.
When the weather is good,its the best place on earth,when its bad Id rather be somewhere else.
When I am up a Christmas I would like to do a tour with the mid north coast crew,maybe start at SWR through HH to Cresent(Plomer),across the ferry then to Harts.Just a thought.Skot will be keen.
Anyway glad your home safe.

--- In, "Peter Coe" <peter@...> wrote:
> Hi Ben. Phew. Hat Head was like camping behind a 380 with its engines going
> at full thrust. Boy did it blow and rain and thunder etc. But we are all
> made of stern stuff and stayed on until Monday morning. Luckily there is a
> large public shelter area that we took over and with a big tarp on the side
> and a fire in a brazier we had a good night. Thank goodness we are not still
> there as it got even wilder last night. Trouble all the way up the Mid North
> Coast.
> But the Syncro did well, even though it is high off the ground!!! No leaks
> and all we had was a few shakes from the wind squalls that made us feel like
> we were in Christchurch.
> Thanks for the tip on that road. I know that turn off and we have done some
> walking in that area. Will check it out next time.
> Cheers, Peter from windy Port



You got me there, which vehicle you wanna ‘downgrade ‘ with a 2.5 ? And secondly it was all your doing taking the windowless Box, I had offered you the Tristar but I think you were too chicken to Transport your Princesses And Queen in that one !! As having been chauffeured in that one your troops might have rejected any other form of transport !

Can’t wait for Christmas !!






Amazes me what one can do with ABS ! In Elke’s new POLO it is used to check the tyre pressure and warn the driver if one wheel is of different pressure to the rest ! What’s next ?




From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Pitcher
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2011 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc



Thanks for the info Greg.

It doesn't have the electronic diff lock as it was an option just the ABS and power everything else. Out central locking is the biggest pain it is not working correctly which I think is linked to the door close sensors as the interior light does not come on when the doors open.

Its already had a polish apart from the wheels and looks pretty good.

I might get the high pressure water blaster on the alloy wheels to get them clean - then paint over the gutter rash on one of the wheels.



On 14/06/2011 4:35 PM, greg esposito wrote:


Hi Scott, I don't think your golf has a diff lock as such, the system they adopt uses the abs system to stop a wheel spinning up by applying that brake caliper. Much like the old pull on the hand brake trick. They are a great car, the only really common thing they suffered from when I was working on them was window regulators breaking. Keeping the window channels clean will help, judging by your T3 I am suppose they will be like the preverbial whistle before too long. Greg E


From: Scott Pitcher <>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2011 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc


I'm keen. We are booked in for this Christmas @ Crescent Head starting January 1 as the New Years Eve there was a bit scary last year - too many hoodlums bashing the crap out of each other just behind my tent. I've never packed up a tent so fast in my life. Thankfully Harts Garage and Syncro Hire Service provided an excellent escape vehicle with no windows so it was very easy to load the tent and gear into and provided excellent flow through ventilation for the drive back. This is all depending on Crescent Head still being there after all this rain and the odd mini cyclone that hit Red-Rock near Coffs Harbour this morning.

Hopefully this year my syncro will go under its own steam up and back and along any trails we manage to negotiate.

We don't have the funds yet for the engine upgrade to a 2.5 scooby as we just picked up the Golf. I forgot to mention we didn't get a Generation 3 as they were all $4K - $5K so we managed to find a Generation 4 GLE with a 1.8L 20V donk for $4,300.00 - bargain. It has a few tiny bumps and minor scratches and was a bit dirty inside and out but nothing a good day cleaning, gluing and polishing couldn't fix. Plus its all black! But this and an upgraded computer has removed any spare cash that I could hide from the tax man.

See attached photo and note the AGRO number plate - perfect for the Boss's driving style.

I also noted that an option on this model was an electronic diff lock. If you did switch such a diff lock to a front wheel drive car - how would you steer?



On 14/06/2011 1:03 PM, Hartmut Kiehn wrote:


Hi Ben,


I’ll come too. So that’s already 4 of us, maybe we should ask Mark and his crew....Seeing that Ben offers some wilderness touring it could interest Ken too ?! I better get  moving, time is running out, have too take 2 water tanks out for cleaning , redo the Trakka plumbing incl new water pumps, sort out the annexes, instal headlight kit , and lift the ‘breadbox’ a few cms..........    Hart


From: [] On Behalf Of Ben
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2011 8:26 AM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc



Hey Pete,when it storms in Hat Head it REALLY storms.One year I was there it was like that for a week.All the girls went and got a motel in Port whilst the men stayed and dug trenches and held onto our tarps!
That was before I had kids(luckily)or a Syncro that I could of took shelter in.
When the weather is good,its the best place on earth,when its bad Id rather be somewhere else.
When I am up a Christmas I would like to do a tour with the mid north coast crew,maybe start at SWR through HH to Cresent(Plomer),across the ferry then to Harts.Just a thought.Skot will be keen.
Anyway glad your home safe.

--- In, "Peter Coe" <peter@...> wrote:
> Hi Ben. Phew. Hat Head was like camping behind a 380 with its engines going
> at full thrust. Boy did it blow and rain and thunder etc. But we are all
> made of stern stuff and stayed on until Monday morning. Luckily there is a
> large public shelter area that we took over and with a big tarp on the side
> and a fire in a brazier we had a good night. Thank goodness we are not still
> there as it got even wilder last night. Trouble all the way up the Mid North
> Coast.
> But the Syncro did well, even though it is high off the ground!!! No leaks
> and all we had was a few shakes from the wind squalls that made us feel like
> we were in Christchurch.
> Thanks for the tip on that road. I know that turn off and we have done some
> walking in that area. Will check it out next time.
> Cheers, Peter from windy Port





Yeah I'm way overdue for a trip, things here are finally settling down at long last, though I better not speak too soon! We'll see.

I must say though I was feeling a tad smug just thinking about you lot braving the "gentle" sea breezes at Hat Head on the weekend. haha



Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 13:03:02 +1000
Subject: RE: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc


Hi Ben,


I’ll come too. So that’s already 4 of us, maybe we should ask Mark and his crew....Seeing that Ben offers some wilderness touring it could interest Ken too ?! I better get  moving, time is running out, have too take 2 water tanks out for cleaning , redo the Trakka plumbing incl new water pumps, sort out the annexes, instal headlight kit , and lift the ‘breadbox’ a few cms..........    Hart


From: [] On Behalf Of Ben
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2011 8:26 AM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc



Hey Pete,when it storms in Hat Head it REALLY storms.One year I was there it was like that for a week.All the girls went and got a motel in Port whilst the men stayed and dug trenches and held onto our tarps!
That was before I had kids(luckily)or a Syncro that I could of took shelter in.
When the weather is good,its the best place on earth,when its bad Id rather be somewhere else.
When I am up a Christmas I would like to do a tour with the mid north coast crew,maybe start at SWR through HH to Cresent(Plomer),across the ferry then to Harts.Just a thought.Skot will be keen.
Anyway glad your home safe.

--- In, "Peter Coe" <peter@...> wrote:
> Hi Ben. Phew. Hat Head was like camping behind a 380 with its engines going
> at full thrust. Boy did it blow and rain and thunder etc. But we are all
> made of stern stuff and stayed on until Monday morning. Luckily there is a
> large public shelter area that we took over and with a big tarp on the side
> and a fire in a brazier we had a good night. Thank goodness we are not still
> there as it got even wilder last night. Trouble all the way up the Mid North
> Coast.
> But the Syncro did well, even though it is high off the ground!!! No leaks
> and all we had was a few shakes from the wind squalls that made us feel like
> we were in Christchurch.
> Thanks for the tip on that road. I know that turn off and we have done some
> walking in that area. Will check it out next time.
> Cheers, Peter from windy Port


Thanks for the sentiment but my 2.7 6cyl scooby donk is getting too temperamental for my liking and is just too hard to get parts for when it craps itself or even for servicing. Hence, after seeing Ben's lovely peice of engineering I cant help but want one plus its power, economy reliability and total ease of obtaining parts is the real motivator - just need to find a willing bank manager to fund it.

When I source an engine cradle, I will kick it off bit by bit.

Plus my 71 low-light needs a new drivers seat as the springs are now coming through the covers and the new golf needs some electrical gadget repairs to the central locking and the rear wiper. I will be broke for the rest of the year for sure.

See you up at Gods waiting room soon.



On 14/06/2011 5:49 PM, Hartmut Kiehn wrote:


You got me there, which vehicle you wanna ‘downgrade ‘ with a 2.5 ? And secondly it was all your doing taking the windowless Box, I had offered you the Tristar but I think you were too chicken to Transport your Princesses And Queen in that one !! As having been chauffeured in that one your troops might have rejected any other form of transport !

Can’t wait for Christmas !!



Amazes me what one can do with ABS ! In Elke’s new POLO it is used to check the tyre pressure and warn the driver if one wheel is of different pressure to the rest ! What’s next ?


From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Pitcher
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2011 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc

Thanks for the info Greg.

It doesn't have the electronic diff lock as it was an option just the ABS and power everything else. Out central locking is the biggest pain it is not working correctly which I think is linked to the door close sensors as the interior light does not come on when the doors open.

Its already had a polish apart from the wheels and looks pretty good.

I might get the high pressure water blaster on the alloy wheels to get them clean - then paint over the gutter rash on one of the wheels.



On 14/06/2011 4:35 PM, greg esposito wrote:

Hi Scott, I don't think your golf has a diff lock as such, the system they adopt uses the abs system to stop a wheel spinning up by applying that brake caliper. Much like the old pull on the hand brake trick. They are a great car, the only really common thing they suffered from when I was working on them was window regulators breaking. Keeping the window channels clean will help, judging by your T3 I am suppose they will be like the preverbial whistle before too long. Greg E

From: Scott Pitcher <>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2011 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc

I'm keen. We are booked in for this Christmas @ Crescent Head starting January 1 as the New Years Eve there was a bit scary last year - too many hoodlums bashing the crap out of each other just behind my tent. I've never packed up a tent so fast in my life. Thankfully Harts Garage and Syncro Hire Service provided an excellent escape vehicle with no windows so it was very easy to load the tent and gear into and provided excellent flow through ventilation for the drive back. This is all depending on Crescent Head still being there after all this rain and the odd mini cyclone that hit Red-Rock near Coffs Harbour this morning.

Hopefully this year my syncro will go under its own steam up and back and along any trails we manage to negotiate.

We don't have the funds yet for the engine upgrade to a 2.5 scooby as we just picked up the Golf. I forgot to mention we didn't get a Generation 3 as they were all $4K - $5K so we managed to find a Generation 4 GLE with a 1.8L 20V donk for $4,300.00 - bargain. It has a few tiny bumps and minor scratches and was a bit dirty inside and out but nothing a good day cleaning, gluing and polishing couldn't fix. Plus its all black! But this and an upgraded computer has removed any spare cash that I could hide from the tax man.

See attached photo and note the AGRO number plate - perfect for the Boss's driving style.

I also noted that an option on this model was an electronic diff lock. If you did switch such a diff lock to a front wheel drive car - how would you steer?



On 14/06/2011 1:03 PM, Hartmut Kiehn wrote:

Hi Ben,

I’ll come too. So that’s already 4 of us, maybe we should ask Mark and his crew....Seeing that Ben offers some wilderness touring it could interest Ken too ?! I better get moving, time is running out, have too take 2 water tanks out for cleaning , redo the Trakka plumbing incl new water pumps, sort out the annexes, instal headlight kit , and lift the ‘breadbox’ a few cms.......... Hart

From: [] On Behalf Of Ben
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2011 8:26 AM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc

Hey Pete,when it storms in Hat Head it REALLY storms.One year I was there it was like that for a week.All the girls went and got a motel in Port whilst the men stayed and dug trenches and held onto our tarps!
That was before I had kids(luckily)or a Syncro that I could of took shelter in.
When the weather is good,its the best place on earth,when its bad Id rather be somewhere else.
When I am up a Christmas I would like to do a tour with the mid north coast crew,maybe start at SWR through HH to Cresent(Plomer),across the ferry then to Harts.Just a thought.Skot will be keen.
Anyway glad your home safe.

--- In, "Peter Coe" <peter@...> wrote:
> Hi Ben. Phew. Hat Head was like camping behind a 380 with its engines going
> at full thrust. Boy did it blow and rain and thunder etc. But we are all
> made of stern stuff and stayed on until Monday morning. Luckily there is a
> large public shelter area that we took over and with a big tarp on the side
> and a fire in a brazier we had a good night. Thank goodness we are not still
> there as it got even wilder last night. Trouble all the way up the Mid North
> Coast.
> But the Syncro did well, even though it is high off the ground!!! No leaks
> and all we had was a few shakes from the wind squalls that made us feel like
> we were in Christchurch.
> Thanks for the tip on that road. I know that turn off and we have done some
> walking in that area. Will check it out next time.
> Cheers, Peter from windy Port

and the new golf needs some electrical gadget repairs to the central locking

They may work on vaccuum. The earlier ones did and the problems were leaks in the hoses. Check at the door hinges.

and the rear wiper.

There is a 75% chance that it is where the wires go through the tailgate to the body. Common fault.




You thought that I would show more c’mon sense and stay at home !! Didn’t you !! Guess what, I didn’t go, but stayed back and did some work between showers.

Right now it’s torrential again , last nite being bad enough. However we are ok so far ,surrounded by little lakes but ok. The abode next door is totally in water, all his scrap cars are in water til their door handles. Will keep you posted.




From: [] On Behalf Of Ken Garratt
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2011 6:43 PM
To: Syncro _T3_Australia forum
Subject: RE: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc





Yeah I'm way overdue for a trip, things here are finally settling down at long last, though I better not speak too soon! We'll see.


I must say though I was feeling a tad smug just thinking about you lot braving the "gentle" sea breezes at Hat Head on the weekend. haha





Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 13:03:02 +1000
Subject: RE: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc



Hi Ben,


I’ll come too. So that’s already 4 of us, maybe we should ask Mark and his crew....Seeing that Ben offers some wilderness touring it could interest Ken too ?! I better get  moving, time is running out, have too take 2 water tanks out for cleaning , redo the Trakka plumbing incl new water pumps, sort out the annexes, instal headlight kit , and lift the ‘breadbox’ a few cms..........    Hart


From: [] On Behalf Of Ben
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2011 8:26 AM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc



Hey Pete,when it storms in Hat Head it REALLY storms.One year I was there it was like that for a week.All the girls went and got a motel in Port whilst the men stayed and dug trenches and held onto our tarps!
That was before I had kids(luckily)or a Syncro that I could of took shelter in.
When the weather is good,its the best place on earth,when its bad Id rather be somewhere else.
When I am up a Christmas I would like to do a tour with the mid north coast crew,maybe start at SWR through HH to Cresent(Plomer),across the ferry then to Harts.Just a thought.Skot will be keen.
Anyway glad your home safe.

--- In, "Peter Coe" <peter@...> wrote:
> Hi Ben. Phew. Hat Head was like camping behind a 380 with its engines going
> at full thrust. Boy did it blow and rain and thunder etc. But we are all
> made of stern stuff and stayed on until Monday morning. Luckily there is a
> large public shelter area that we took over and with a big tarp on the side
> and a fire in a brazier we had a good night. Thank goodness we are not still
> there as it got even wilder last night. Trouble all the way up the Mid North
> Coast.
> But the Syncro did well, even though it is high off the ground!!! No leaks
> and all we had was a few shakes from the wind squalls that made us feel like
> we were in Christchurch.
> Thanks for the tip on that road. I know that turn off and we have done some
> walking in that area. Will check it out next time.
> Cheers, Peter from windy Port


Thanks Phill.

I know you are a golf loving person as well as the first time I met you was @ Valla when you took your golf up there.

I have heard they work off a compressor located in the boot using an air system and have sensors on each door. One of which is probably dead.

Regarding the rear wiper, I know the glass has been replaced as the previous owner backed it into a tree branch which cracked the glass. The rear demist works but the wiper not. I would say they forgot to connect it up again when the took it all apart.

Another job for the weekend as the Boss is complaining about it.

I will pick your brains later. You don't have any manuals on this do you Phill?



On 14/06/2011 6:51 PM, wrote:

and the new golf needs some electrical gadget repairs to the central locking

They may work on vaccuum. The earlier ones did and the problems were leaks in the hoses. Check at the door hinges.

and the rear wiper.

There is a 75% chance that it is where the wires go through the tailgate to the body. Common fault.


Listening to the ABC radio discussion this afternoon about recent and future weather trending, it was said, amongst other things, .... "don't live next to a river".

I'd be moving up to the mezzanine floor if I was you!


Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 19:01:04 +1000
Subject: RE: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc




You thought that I would show more c’mon sense and stay at home !! Didn’t you !! Guess what, I didn’t go, but stayed back and did some work between showers.

Right now it’s torrential again , last nite being bad enough. However we are ok so far ,surrounded by little lakes but ok. The abode next door is totally in water, all his scrap cars are in water til their door handles. Will keep you posted.




From: [] On Behalf Of Ken Garratt
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2011 6:43 PM
To: Syncro _T3_Australia forum
Subject: RE: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc





Yeah I'm way overdue for a trip, things here are finally settling down at long last, though I better not speak too soon! We'll see.


I must say though I was feeling a tad smug just thinking about you lot braving the "gentle" sea breezes at Hat Head on the weekend. haha





Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 13:03:02 +1000
Subject: RE: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc



Hi Ben,


I’ll come too. So that’s already 4 of us, maybe we should ask Mark and his crew....Seeing that Ben offers some wilderness touring it could interest Ken too ?! I better get  moving, time is running out, have too take 2 water tanks out for cleaning , redo the Trakka plumbing incl new water pumps, sort out the annexes, instal headlight kit , and lift the ‘breadbox’ a few cms..........    Hart


From: [] On Behalf Of Ben
Sent: Tuesday, 14 June 2011 8:26 AM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: lifted springs etc



Hey Pete,when it storms in Hat Head it REALLY storms.One year I was there it was like that for a week.All the girls went and got a motel in Port whilst the men stayed and dug trenches and held onto our tarps!
That was before I had kids(luckily)or a Syncro that I could of took shelter in.
When the weather is good,its the best place on earth,when its bad Id rather be somewhere else.
When I am up a Christmas I would like to do a tour with the mid north coast crew,maybe start at SWR through HH to Cresent(Plomer),across the ferry then to Harts.Just a thought.Skot will be keen.
Anyway glad your home safe.

--- In, "Peter Coe" <peter@...> wrote:
> Hi Ben. Phew. Hat Head was like camping behind a 380 with its engines going
> at full thrust. Boy did it blow and rain and thunder etc. But we are all
> made of stern stuff and stayed on until Monday morning. Luckily there is a
> large public shelter area that we took over and with a big tarp on the side
> and a fire in a brazier we had a good night. Thank goodness we are not still
> there as it got even wilder last night. Trouble all the way up the Mid North
> Coast.
> But the Syncro did well, even though it is high off the ground!!! No leaks
> and all we had was a few shakes from the wind squalls that made us feel like
> we were in Christchurch.
> Thanks for the tip on that road. I know that turn off and we have done some
> walking in that area. Will check it out next time.
> Cheers, Peter from windy Port