I seen this advertisment on the aussieveedubbers.com website today.  This is a guy selling alot of syncro parts and advertising to us guys in australia.  He also mentions something about packing the parts in a container and sending them over to australia. Parts include locking front diffs,locking gearboxes,front suspension parts, rear arms, 16"steels rims, props, driveshafts, cv joints, speedo drive gears, crash bars, diff lock parts, fuel tanks.
 Bart man.

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On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 2:05 AM, Bartley Olsen <bartleyolsen@yahoo.com> wrote:
I seen this advertisment on the aussieveedubbers.com website today.  This is a guy selling alot of syncro parts and advertising to us guys in australia.  He also mentions something about packing the parts in a container and sending them over to australia. Parts include locking front diffs,locking gearboxes,front suspension parts, rear arms, 16"steels rims, props, driveshafts, cv joints, speedo drive gears, crash bars, diff lock parts, fuel tanks.
 Bart man.
These guys have been around the other world Syncro forums. They first came to my attention back in 2005. I believe the fellow most people talk to is called CJ. They are active on the Club80-90 in the UK.

That is CJ from www.syncrospares.co.uk

He takes apart lots of syncro’s and is an honest and reliable guy who does this for a living.



Mike Plompen

www.busman.be / http://www.youtube.com/user/mikeplompen / www.syncro25years.eu / www.wbx6.com / www.syncronautslowlands.com


That's CJ from Syncrospares UK. I have met him and he will ship to Australia. He is well respected throughout Britain.


> Bartley Olsen <bartleyolsen@yahoo.com> wrote:
> http://forums.aussieveedubbers.com/viewtopic.php?tid=74340
> I seen this advertisment on the aussieveedubbers.com website today.��
> This is a guy selling alot of syncro parts and advertising to us guys in
> australia.�� He also mentions something about packing the parts in a
> container and sending them over to australia. Parts include locking
> front diffs,locking gearboxes,front suspension parts, rear arms,
> 16"steels rims, props, driveshafts, cv joints, speedo drive gears, crash
> bars, diff lock parts, fuel tanks.
> ��Bart man.
> Stay connected to the people that matter most with a smarter
> inbox. Take a look http://au.docs.yahoo.com/mail/smarterinbox