New engine and air fuel ratio gauge

Hi Greg, congrats on your expanding family news. Sure it's not a good time to consider a syncro caravelle? Another option wuold be a his and hers syncro . See how good you are at getting that one passed the finance police!
To answer your question , I am in and aruond the burbs pretty much every day so just let me know the days that would best suit you . Call or text on 0413585530 if you like. Eddie.

--- In, "gregespo73" <gregespo73@...> wrote:
> Hey Eddie the switch has arrived. Looks good too. I had the right terminals in stock so i put those on. Are you in the big smoke any time soon? Greg E
> --- In, "eddie" <bergodaz@> wrote:
> >
> > I've been able to do a bit of internet research on my AFR gauge & what it can do for the MV engine. Turns out you can customise the output signal or voltage, it sends to the ECU when you use it's 02 sensor in place of the stock 02 sensor. This is done by running the supplied program, plugging the gauge into a laptop & altering the numbers.(should read ALL the instructions before fitting & not just the quick install) Almost brings Digifant into this century. I'll have a go at it on the weekend & report the results. Hopefully I don't stuff it up! Eddie.
> >
Hey Eddie, around Saturday and monday to thursday.

From: eddie <>
Sent: Friday, 31 August 2012 8:02 AM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: New engine and air fuel ratio gauge
Hi Greg, congrats on your expanding family news. Sure it's not a good time to consider a syncro caravelle? Another option wuold be a his and hers syncro . See how good you are at getting that one passed the finance police!
To answer your question , I am in and aruond the burbs pretty much every day so just let me know the days that would best suit you . Call or text on 0413585530 if you like. Eddie.

--- In, "gregespo73" <gregespo73@...> wrote:
> Hey Eddie the switch has arrived. Looks good too. I had the right terminals in stock so i put those on. Are you in the big smoke any time soon? Greg E
> --- In, "eddie" <bergodaz@> wrote:
> >
> > I've been able to do a bit of internet research on my AFR gauge & what it can do for the MV engine. Turns out you can customise the output signal or voltage, it sends to the ECU when you use it's 02 sensor in place of the stock 02 sensor. This is done by running the supplied program, plugging the gauge into a laptop & altering the numbers.(should read ALL the instructions before fitting & not just the quick install) Almost brings Digifant into this century. I'll have a go at it on the weekend & report the results. Hopefully I don't stuff it up! Eddie.
> >

Hey Greg, just finished installing the switch & gotta say it works an absolute treat! Reacts quicker than I had expected about 1-2 seconds from hitting the go pedal to seeing a richer mixture . Not enough to see best ET's down the quarter mile but certainly enough to make up for some of digifant's shortcomings. Still have to do some highway testing but real impressed so far. Eddie.

--- In, "gregespo73" <gregespo73@...> wrote:
> Hey Eddie the switch has arrived. Looks good too. I had the right terminals in stock so i put those on. Are you in the big smoke any time soon? Greg E
> --- In, "eddie" <bergodaz@> wrote:
> >
> > I've been able to do a bit of internet research on my AFR gauge & what it can do for the MV engine. Turns out you can customise the output signal or voltage, it sends to the ECU when you use it's 02 sensor in place of the stock 02 sensor. This is done by running the supplied program, plugging the gauge into a laptop & altering the numbers.(should read ALL the instructions before fitting & not just the quick install) Almost brings Digifant into this century. I'll have a go at it on the weekend & report the results. Hopefully I don't stuff it up! Eddie.
> >
Very happy to hear that Eddie. Did it take long to get the ideal vacuum switching point sorted? Did you end up running my vacuum gauge up front to do it? If so care to share what inches of mercury you set it at? Greg E

From: eddie <>
Sent: Saturday, 15 September 2012 1:08 PM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: New engine and air fuel ratio gauge
Hey Greg, just finished installing the switch & gotta say it works an absolute treat! Reacts quicker than I had expected about 1-2 seconds from hitting the go pedal to seeing a richer mixture . Not enough to see best ET's down the quarter mile but certainly enough to make up for some of digifant's shortcomings. Still have to do some highway testing but real impressed so far. Eddie.

--- In, "gregespo73" <gregespo73@...> wrote:
> Hey Eddie the switch has arrived. Looks good too. I had the right terminals in stock so i put those on. Are you in the big smoke any time soon? Greg E
> --- In, "eddie" <bergodaz@> wrote:
> >
> > I've been able to do a bit of internet research on my AFR gauge & what it can do for the MV engine. Turns out you can customise the output signal or voltage, it sends to the ECU when you use it's 02 sensor in place of the stock 02 sensor. This is done by running the supplied program, plugging the gauge into a laptop & altering the numbers.(should read ALL the instructions before fitting & not just the quick install) Almost brings Digifant into this century. I'll have a go at it on the weekend & report the results. Hopefully I don't stuff it up! Eddie.
> >

Did a quick check of vacuum at the fuel pressure regulator and took an educated (dumb?) guess that where you set it was a good starting point. With the 2 analogue out signals I programmed them both so they dont have much choice in afr's. For example the rich circuit I have .1v=13afr and 1.1v=13.1afr. this seems to limit the amount of straying from my prefered values. With the gauge as a guide it's easy to regulate when you want to run rich or lean so the the exact switching point doesn't seem too critical at this early stage. Is your engine together yet or have your kids claimed all your time? Eddie.

--- In, greg esposito <gregespo73@...> wrote:
> Very happy to hear that Eddie. Did it take long to get the ideal vacuum switching point sorted? Did you end up running my vacuum gauge up front to do it? If so care to share what inches of mercury you set it at? Greg E
> ________________________________
> From: eddie <bergodaz@...>
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, 15 September 2012 1:08 PM
> Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: New engine and air fuel ratio gauge
> Â
> Hey Greg, just finished installing the switch & gotta say it works an absolute treat! Reacts quicker than I had expected about 1-2 seconds from hitting the go pedal to seeing a richer mixture . Not enough to see best ET's down the quarter mile but certainly enough to make up for some of digifant's shortcomings. Still have to do some highway testing but real impressed so far. Eddie.
> --- In, "gregespo73" <gregespo73@> wrote:
> >
> > Hey Eddie the switch has arrived. Looks good too. I had the right terminals in stock so i put those on. Are you in the big smoke any time soon? Greg E
> >
> > --- In, "eddie" <bergodaz@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I've been able to do a bit of internet research on my AFR gauge & what it can do for the MV engine. Turns out you can customise the output signal or voltage, it sends to the ECU when you use it's 02 sensor in place of the stock 02 sensor. This is done by running the supplied program, plugging the gauge into a laptop & altering the numbers.(should read ALL the instructions before fitting & not just the quick install) Almost brings Digifant into this century. I'll have a go at it on the weekend & report the results. Hopefully I don't stuff it up! Eddie.
> > >
> >
Thats exactly what I was thinking I would do. Rich side set to 12.8- 13.2 and cruise set to 14.5 ish may be leaner.
Yeah the kids are definately eating up all my quality syncro time. Really frustrated now because I have everything ready to go but no time to do it. I have the cases preped, the rods and cam are clearanced. The pistons are back from the machinist. Crank is assembled. Ported and replaced guides in one head and half way through the other. I reconditioned the starter and replaced the cross shaft and bushes whilst the trany is out. Soooooo just need a free day to get the crazy glue out and put the cases together... 

From: bergodaz <>
Sent: Saturday, 15 September 2012 4:57 PM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: New engine and air fuel ratio gauge
Did a quick check of vacuum at the fuel pressure regulator and took an educated (dumb?) guess that where you set it was a good starting point. With the 2 analogue out signals I programmed them both so they dont have much choice in afr's. For example the rich circuit I have .1v=13afr and 1.1v=13.1afr. this seems to limit the amount of straying from my prefered values. With the gauge as a guide it's easy to regulate when you want to run rich or lean so the the exact switching point doesn't seem too critical at this early stage. Is your engine together yet or have your kids claimed all your time? Eddie.

--- In, greg esposito <gregespo73@...> wrote:
> Very happy to hear that Eddie. Did it take long to get the ideal vacuum switching point sorted? Did you end up running my vacuum gauge up front to do it? If so care to share what inches of mercury you set it at? Greg E
> ________________________________
> From: eddie <bergodaz@...>
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, 15 September 2012 1:08 PM
> Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: New engine and air fuel ratio gauge
> Hey Greg, just finished installing the switch & gotta say it works an absolute treat! Reacts quicker than I had expected about 1-2 seconds from hitting the go pedal to seeing a richer mixture . Not enough to see best ET's down the quarter mile but certainly enough to make up for some of digifant's shortcomings. Still have to do some highway testing but real impressed so far. Eddie.
> --- In, "gregespo73" <gregespo73@> wrote:
> >
> > Hey Eddie the switch has arrived. Looks good too. I had the right terminals in stock so i put those on. Are you in the big smoke any time soon? Greg E
> >
> > --- In, "eddie" <bergodaz@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I've been able to do a bit of internet research on my AFR gauge & what it can do for the MV engine. Turns out you can customise the output signal or voltage, it sends to the ECU when you use it's 02 sensor in place of the stock 02 sensor. This is done by running the supplied program, plugging the gauge into a laptop & altering the numbers.(should read ALL the instructions before fitting & not just the quick install) Almost brings Digifant into this century. I'll have a go at it on the weekend & report the results. Hopefully I don't stuff it up! Eddie.
> > >
> >

I'm missing out on all this. When we are back in Melbourne I'll have to
catch up with what you have done.
I'm basically happy with my set-up,definately more gruunt, did not get
stuck on Fraser I. in the sand like last time.
But the Idle is still an issue.
Theo & Chris

> Thats exactly what I was thinking I would do. Rich side set to 12.8-
a> nd cruise set to 14.5 ish may be leaner.
> Yeah the kids are definately eating up all my quality syncro time.
f> rustrated now because I have everything ready to go but no time to do
I> have the cases preped, the rods and cam are clearanced. The pistons
ba> ck from the machinist. Crank is assembled. Ported and replaced guides
on> e head and half way through the other. I reconditioned the starter and
repl> aced the cross shaft and bushes whilst the trany is out. Soooooo
need> ��a free day to get the crazy glue out and put the cases
together...�> �
> ________________________________
> From: bergodaz <>
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, 15 September 2012 4:57 PM
> Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: New engine and air fuel ratio gauge
> ��
> Did a quick check of vacuum at the fuel pressure regulator and took an
educ> ated (dumb?) guess that where you set it was a good starting point.
th> e 2 analogue out signals I programmed them both so they dont have much
choi> ce in afr's. For example the rich circuit I have .1v=13afr and
1.1v=13.> 1afr. this seems to limit the amount of straying from my
prefered values.
W> ith the gauge as a guide it's easy to regulate when you want to run
or> lean so the the exact switching point doesn't seem too critical at
ea> rly stage. Is your engine together yet or have your kids claimed all
t> ime? Eddie.
> --- In, greg esposito
<gregesp> o73@...> wrote:
> >
> > Very happy to hear that Eddie. Did it take long to get the ideal
s> witching point sorted? Did you end up running my vacuum gauge up front
d> o it? If so care to share what inches of mercury you set it at? Greg E
> >
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: eddie <bergodaz@...>
> > To:
> > Sent: Saturday, 15 September 2012 1:08 PM
> > Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: New engine and air fuel ratio gauge
> >
> >
> > ����
> >
> > Hey Greg, just finished installing the switch & gotta say it works an
abs> olute treat! Reacts quicker than I had expected about 1-2 seconds
hitt> ing the go pedal to seeing a richer mixture . Not enough to see
best ET's
d> own the quarter mile but certainly enough to make up for some of
digifant's> shortcomings. Still have to do some highway testing but real
impressed so
> far. Eddie.
> >
> > --- In, "gregespo73"
<greges> po73@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hey Eddie the switch has arrived. Looks good too. I had the right
termi> nals in stock so i put those on. Are you in the big smoke any time
Gr> eg E
> > >
> > > --- In, "eddie"
<bergodaz@> > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I've been able to do a bit of internet research on my AFR gauge &
wha> t it can do for the MV engine. Turns out you can customise the output
signa> l or voltage, it sends to the ECU when you use it's 02 sensor in
place of
t> he stock 02 sensor. This is done by running the supplied program,
> the gauge into a laptop & altering the numbers.(should read ALL the
instruc> tions before fitting & not just the quick install) Almost brings
i> nto this century. I'll have a go at it on the weekend & report the
results.> Hopefully I don't stuff it up! Eddie.
> > > >
> > >
> >

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