
This subject is getting out of hand.  

I have in the past intervened in the matter of opinion versus quantifiable fact.   The subject under discussion is not clear-cut and definitive answers could be expected only from either persons with long experience in rebuilding the 094 box who can quantify their opinions OR a qualified lubrication engineer who also has good knowledge of the 094 box.

This subject was discussed in minute detail several years ago and appeared to reach a satisfactory and well-informed conclusion.   We had input from people whose fulltime business was rebuilding VW gearboxes and with particular experience with the 094 box.  Now it has come back and the same ground is being covered all over again.

Discussions like this get derailed when information comes in second-hand – information attributed to a third party who is not a member of the group and is not making a direct input.   This is not to say that such information might not be accurate but it does not contribute to our collective knowledge if it is not qantified.  As before, I ask members to be mindful of providing objective and quantifiable information

(I am a bit wary of the `factory trained' appellation.   Soon after the Volkswagen went on the market in Australia , a number of `factory trained' people began to appear and set up as Volkswagen mechanics.   A few of them could display certificates to confirm their claim but a lot more proved to be ex-assembly line workers who had promoted themselves to `factory trained' mechanics.   Moreover, a person can be factory trained in many areas; a person factory trained in electrical systems is not automatically an expert in rebuilding engines, for example.)