Hey Sam,
the Porsche CV joints are supposed to give a greater angle, but they
achieve that by using smaller size of "balls". So while inceasing the
angle, one might deduct, that the force per area is bigger that with
the standard CVs and thus they are not at all stronger. We have had
these discussions many times in ig16-forum and there is still no final
conclusion. We had people with rapidly breaking/wearing porsche CVs
and on the other hand we have dealers who offer these as high strength
replacements for the OEM ones... honestly: I don't know. There are at
least as many happy users as there are people who suspect having
problems due to these joints. Though the reports are so different, so
different engines, drivers, cars, ... I can't deduct anything reliable
from that :) Sorry,
On 12.05.2009, at 17:20, heysamuelarnold wrote:
> Thanks Martin
> I will have to look into the 924/944 CV's. Do you know if these
> also offer increased strength / operating angle? Less / no
> modification required for a 14inch syncro?
> Sam
> --- In Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com, Martin Henning
> <martin@...> wrote:
>> Hey, the 930 CVs only fit on 16" syncros, as they have 108mm in
>> diameter. They'd fit in the rear inner and outer without problems. On
>> the 14" you'd need 924/944 CVs, they have the right diameter and also
>> fit without modifications. If you want to fit the larger CVs (108mm /
>> 930) in front (inner..), you'd need to change CV-flanges AND get a
>> new
>> axle (is it the right word... ?) manufactured to account for the
>> different toothing of the CV. Desireable, but probably not cheap.
>> There are at least 2 people in the US where you are supposed to be
>> able to order such an axle, if you are interested, i'd search through
>> my emails for details.
>> .martin
>> On 12.05.2009, at 03:57, heysamuelarnold wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Just looking into this one at the moment.
>>> According to Go Westy:
>>> http://www.gowesty.com/ec_view_details.php?id=4284&category_id=70&category_parent_id=
>>> There is modification required to the outer stub axles to fit the
>>> 930 cv joints. Can any one tell me more about exactly what this
>>> modification involves?
>>> Also, you can't put the 930 Cv joints on the front inner CV's? If
>>> raising the van, will the standard front cv's handle the increased
>>> angle?
>>> Thanks Guys,
>>> Sam
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>> Martin Henning, DM5OY
>> martin@...
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Martin Henning, DM5OY