Seasons Greetings and Thanks

With acknowledgement to our South African fellow Syncronauts, here is a slightly paraphrased greeting posted by Gideon Langart on the SyncroSA site:
Syncro Greetings for the holidays, Christmas, Hannukah and any others. 
May your couplings always be viscous, may you diffs always lock when needed, may your coolant always stay cool, may the velocity of your joints always be constant, may your synchros always mesh, may your Syncro always be upright and always get back home in one piece (or at least with all the pieces tied on with fencing wire).
I want to acknowledge all those members who have posted messages thanking me for establishing and maintaining our website. 
Before I started this site, I was sending out newsletter, starting about January 04.  By mid-year, this had developed into the Yahoo group that we have today.  Early on, I would not have expected more than 30 or so members, but it continues to expand and is now heading towards the 200 mark.
I am particularly gratified that we also have a very active woman owner, our second in fact.  Francesca Coles had the worst possible start - she bought a Syncro with a thoroughly stuffed crownwheel and pinion - but she is acquiring knowledge at a very rapid rate and making informed decisions.  I suspect that she will soon become one of the big lights of our group.
Thank you all.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all of you.
From Kaye and Alf Andersen

From: Les Harris <>
Sent: Wednesday, 24 December, 2008 5:53:12 PM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Seasons Greetings and Thanks

With acknowledgement to our South African fellow Syncronauts, here is a slightly paraphrased greeting posted by Gideon Langart on the SyncroSA site:
Syncro Greetings for the holidays, Christmas, Hannukah and any others. 
May your couplings always be viscous, may you diffs always lock when needed, may your coolant always stay cool, may the velocity of your joints always be constant, may your synchros always mesh, may your Syncro always be upright and always get back home in one piece (or at least with all the pieces tied on with fencing wire).
I want to acknowledge all those members who have posted messages thanking me for establishing and maintaining our website. 
Before I started this site, I was sending out newsletter, starting about January 04.  By mid-year, this had developed into the Yahoo group that we have today.  Early on, I would not have expected more than 30 or so members, but it continues to expand and is now heading towards the 200 mark..
I am particularly gratified that we also have a very active woman owner, our second in fact.  Francesca Coles had the worst possible start - she bought a Syncro with a thoroughly stuffed crownwheel and pinion - but she is acquiring knowledge at a very rapid rate and making informed decisions.  I suspect that she will soon become one of the big lights of our group.
Thank you all.

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. And thanks Les for all the work.


On 24/12/2008, at 5:43 PM, alf ando wrote:

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all of you.
From Kaye and Alf Andersen

From: Les Harris <leslieharris@ optushome.>
To: Syncro_T3_Australia @yahoogroups. com
Sent: Wednesday, 24 December, 2008 5:53:12 PM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australi a] Seasons Greetings and Thanks

With acknowledgement to our South African fellow Syncronauts, here is a slightly paraphrased greeting posted by Gideon Langart on the SyncroSA site: