Speedo Bounce Problem

I had mine replaced in 2013 from GoWesty…invoice says # 251 957 809J.
Brickwerks and Van Cafe list the same part number…maybe it fits left and right hand drives.

Hey Scott,

Happy New Year mate!

For Syncros there is just one speedo cable available for both LHD and RHD. Gerald posted the correct number, just get one of those from GEMO
Seems like JK has them in stock: https://www.justkampers.com.au/catalog/product/view/id/26311/s/251-957-809-j-speedo-cable-vw-t25-syncro-1985-1992/category/266/


Thanks to both of you.

I will purchase a new one probably from JK as they are local-ish.

Any tips on the installation?


No worries Scott :+1:

Should be pretty straight forward to change it. Just take off the head lights and the Instrument cluster. Pretty much all you have to do from memory.


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Thanks Arne.

I will have a go at it when the shops all open up.