Starting When Hot

I thought I had sorted this but no. Issue is that when the engine is hot after a long run of say 2-3 hours. It is very hard to start. E.G. driving on the way home last week. Left Bellingen and then filled up with fuel near Macksville. When I tried to restart after the short break it would not fire for about 6 or more goes. Starter was spinning the engine OK but no firing. Eventually after a bit of pedal work it very roughly started, backfired. Then tried again and it eventually started. Seems to have happened after I installed new fuel lines and filter. Around town it starts every time, no hassles.
Any thoughts out there??

Fuel line issue could be related to heat but that would happen to everyone if that was the case.

Have you checked your earth strap?

I would suggest buying a battery cable from an auto parts store around a foot long and bolt between the chassis and the body.

Similar issues I had years ago and after hours googling I found someone who suggested that and it worked for me.

Engine heat builds resistance in dying earth cables. An extra earth often provides just what it needs.


Thanks very much Scott. I did put in an extra cable from engine to chassis a while back as I got a spare cable from a GoWesty order. But I will still check when this bad weather is over.

Cheers, Peter

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