Syncro Photos

Mark, Francesca,
I see that these are very small file sizes but Tony's originals would have been large.  Can we get the larger files to put in the photos section?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Fwd: T3 photos

Hi Francesca

These are fantastic Australian Images of the Syncro.

Will add them to the collection!


On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 7:25 AM, Francesca Coles <fcoles6@gmail. com> wrote:

Hi all,

Not long back from our two-week trip in NW Tasmania. Our syncro went
well! There was an initial hiccup though: syncros apparently get
seasick! Well, at least there seemed to be a fuel-supply problem for
the first day or so with the syncro jerking and carrying on when Tony
put his foot on the accelerator. Fortunately, as soon as we headed for
the hills this resolved itself and she purred along for the rest of
the trip. Curious! It had been a rough crossing (with a 3m swell) and
Tony fared considerably worse than the syncro....

I've attached some photos of our syncro in some exotic locations, as
promised. See if you can identify Rocky Cape National Park, the Nut at
Stanley, the Western Explorer Highway through the wild Tarkine, and
syncro luxuriating beneath a rainbow in Mt Roland's lee. Hope some of
you are interested! My Tony is a photographer, so, with a bit of luck,
they're better than your average snaps. I can highly recommend a tour
of Tassie - what a beautiful place, and history still resonates
powerfully there. The only problem is those ubiquitous hills. I
thought enviously of Subaru implants as we ground around in second

Oh, one other minor annoyance. The sliding door is on the blink. What
experience do others have with this?



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tony and Cesca <tonyandcesca@ optusnet.>
Date: Apr 23, 2009 9:15 PM
Subject: T3 photos
To: fcoles6@gmail. com

Hopefully these are too big

Love Tony