Tassi tour

Hi Roger,

hope that you have a wonderful Christmas, we are still in NZ enjoying the most glorious weather here. We should be back by the 8th of Jan. 13 !
Thinking of the tour a lot, and I believe there are 3 Syncros going, Paul N., Jürgen in the Camel truck, and me in Tristar. Do you know of anybody else ?
Two more would be fine but if not then 3 must do. I still have a fair bit of work ahead of me as I want  to camp inside the DOKA and my stuff in the back
under the tonneau cover. At night we can enjoy the beer inside the Camel truck , it's as big as a club house and if's too cold, a flick of a switch will have it at the right temp in no time...
Anybody tempted to come along???

Hi Hartmut & Roger,
This is a tough call for me, it's always been my dream to be a part of a Tassie Syncro Tour ever since it was first muted on the 2007 Batemans Bay Syncro Tour, but regrettably the stars just aren't lining up for us at the moment to jump aboard. Maybe later on a follow up Tassie Tour *2 as Roger suggested. Apologies to all concerned.

I wish all participants well in this great adventure around the Apple Isle.



To: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com
From: hartis@live.com.au
Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2012 20:18:17 +1300
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Tassi tour

Hi Roger,

hope that you have a wonderful Christmas, we are still in NZ enjoying the most glorious weather here. We should be back by the 8th of Jan. 13 !
Thinking of the tour a lot, and I believe there are 3 Syncros going, Paul N., Jürgen in the Camel truck, and me in Tristar. Do you know of anybody else ?
Two more would be fine but if not then 3 must do. I still have a fair bit of work ahead of me as I want  to camp inside the DOKA and my stuff in the back
under the tonneau cover. At night we can enjoy the beer inside the Camel truck , it's as big as a club house and if's too cold, a flick of a switch will have it at the right temp in no time...
Anybody tempted to come along???
