VW T3 20F3 Safety Recall

Gday ALL,

Thanks first must go to Phill for bringing to members attention on this forum in May 2006 about this safety recall from VW Australia for 1990 to 1992 build T3 vehicles.


On Tuesday, the local VW dealer installed in my syncro the upgrade kit for this recall, fitting new fuel injectors, new fuel lines in the engine bay and associated connections. This is a rectification service under warranty by VW, so there is no charge to the owner.


VW Australia first initiated this safety recall in 1995 for 1609 T3 vehicles but for a range of reasons, only a relatively small number of owners so far have had their T3's rectified.


This recall is open to all owners of eligible T3's as determined by a specific range of vehicle VIN (chassis) and original engine numbers. Specifically this is for 2.1L WBX Digifant engines only. Regardless of the passage of time, VW will not close this recall until it is satisfied that all 1609 T3 vehicles have been accounted for i.e., either rectified, owner doesn't want it done or else vehicle is no longer registered.


If you or anyone you know is the owner of any T3 variant i.e., Caravelle, Transporter or Pick-Up in this year range, then I do recommend owners be told about this recall, they should check first for eligibility and if so, have the rectification work carried out at the owners convenience at any VW dealer of choice. It took mechanics about 2 hours to complete.


VW's technical background for this safety recall is that it is possible that water gets into the windings of the fuel injectors. This can result in damage to the injectors, possibly resulting in running problems, misfiring, a sudden loss of power or stalling.


Given the symptoms described above, they sound to me not dissimilar to the symptoms commonly ascribed to that other bedevilment, the AFM wiring harness patch cable to fix the Vanagon Syndrome. My reading about owners experiences of that patch fix leaves me unconvinced that it really is the absolute answer for the VS. What if instead the culprit is faulty fuel injectors? Has this already been investigated or not? So given that scenario, I thought it might be an interesting exercise were an eligible 20F3 recall T3 found that hasn't yet had the rectification work done but is presently suffering from Vanagon Syndrome. If the Vanagon Syndrome symptoms vanished after the 20F3 rectification work was done, that would certainly put the cat amongst the pigeons. Either way, it would add useful info for owners to the T3 knowledge base.


After 14 to 16 years use, most of these eligible T3's have travelled 200,000 kilometres. If for no other reason, it would be really handy to have fitted for free … new fuel injectors and new fuel lines. Disproves the adage that "there's no such thing as a free lunch."   


I had "interesting" problems when first enquiring about eligibility to VW Australia and also the Federal Department of Transport in Canberra. So instead, anyone wanting to provide me with VIN numbers, I suggest you send them to me first, I will check eligibility for you and let you know either way. It's easy to find VIN numbers, they are usually printed on the vehicles registration certificate. Cheers ALL.

For whatever reason, your e-mail is set to Times New Roman in 7.5 font - which is a bit difficult to read.  It hasn't been like this hitherto, so something has recently changed.  I don't know which e-mail server you are using but most of them allow the user to set the font and font size.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ken
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 2:26 AM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] VW T3 20F3 Safety Recall

Gday ALL,

Thanks first must go to Phill for bringing to members attention on this forum in May 2006 about this safety recall from VW Australia for 1990 to 1992 build T3 vehicles.


Gday Les,

No real mystery here. Using the built-in Rich-Text Editor to post a
message on your website, amongst the tools available are the ones for
changing font and font size, so I selected a smaller font because of the
length of that post. On my screen, it's still quite readable. If you are
having a problem, perhaps it has something to do with your monitors
screen resolution you are using. I'm using 1280 x 1024. Cheers.

--- In Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com, "leslie harris"
<leslieharris@...> wrote:
> Ken,
> For whatever reason, your e-mail is set to Times New Roman in 7.5 font
- which is a bit difficult to read. It hasn't been like this hitherto,
so something has recently changed. I don't know which e-mail server you
are using but most of them allow the user to set the font and font size.
> Les
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ken
> To: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 2:26 AM
> Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] VW T3 20F3 Safety Recall
> Gday ALL,
> Thanks first must go to Phill for bringing to members attention on
this forum in May 2006 about this safety recall from VW Australia for
1990 to 1992 build T3 vehicles.
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My computer runs an AMD64 chip and the monitor is a rather high end 20"LCD, so definition is rather better than most.  You post came through in 7.5 Times New Roman, which is a bit small by anyone's standards.  I will send you a cut of the text as it appeared so you can see the end result of the RT.  It also produced a four line spacing between paragraphs, which negated any space saving.  
----- Original Message -----
From: Ken
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 8:46 PM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: VW T3 20F3 Safety Recall

Gday Les,

No real mystery here. Using the built-in Rich-Text Editor to post a
message on your website, amongst the tools available are the ones for
changing font and font size, so I selected a smaller font because of the
length of that post. On my screen, it's still quite readable. If you are
having a problem, perhaps it has something to do with your monitors
screen resolution you are using. I'm using 1280 x 1024. Cheers.


Reviving post above about fuel injectors, given recent query about source of replacements. May be of interest to some about the VW 20F3 recall.

Seems not all usual VW part suppliers stock T3 fuel injectors, or are out of stock, but a few example links:

Every now and then a replacement full set of re-call injectors pops up for sale.

Some people got them as a recall I have been told yet never fitted them and kept them for a rainy day that never happened.

Worth buying if you can get them before anyone else jumps on them…

All I can say is, with my 20F3 Recall, the VAG procedure was quite specific:

  1. Required an approach to them formally by me, in my case in writing.
  2. VAG check/confirm entitlement based on my VIN.
  3. VAG check/confirm my van has not already been recalled and completed.
  4. VAG then requires the vehicle be presented to them to confirm the motor is the original motor. If not original motor is in place, recall entitlement is lost.
  5. All being well, VAG then asks an appointment be made at a VW dealer of my choice for the recall work to be completed, approx. 2 hours duration.
  6. Upon actual completion of work, VW apply the 20F3 recall completion sticker to the driver side “A” pillar. That verifies the recall has been done on that vehicle.

Under no circumstances was an alternative as you suggest was possible. In fact, VAG is committed to fully carry out the recalls and is oversighted by the Federal Government department responsible that it is done and recorded as such.

I’d be interested to see an “entitled” T3 van that DOES have in place the 20F3 recall sticker on its driver side “A” pillar, but remarkably does not have installed the newer correct coloured fuel injectors, replaced new fuel lines & sleeves and associated new fuel line connections. :open_mouth:

On a 20 year old T3 with say 200,000 klm on the clock, who would NOT jump at the chance to have all the above work done for FREE, which otherwise if done by the dealer at your cost, would be charged around $1000, 10-15 years ago? :innocent: :stuck_out_tongue:

Agree Ken…it does seem strange and my Golf Mk6 had a recall and they did a similar procedure to yours which my Takata airbags were replaced.

However a mate of mine has managed to buy two sets of brand new never fitted fuel lines and injectors which were packaged up in a kit for recall install from people that managed to acquire them but not fit them.

The last lot cost hm $450 but worth it if you can get them - especially with that fuel line eating E10 floating around in some peoples fuel tanks.

I have seen a few of these kits for sale over the years.