Wanted: Syncro Fuel Tank & Gearbox

Hi All,

Gearbox can be in any condition but the preference is for good working one
Difflock would be nice
Please let me know what you have

Try ringing Rudi in Bribie Island. He often has spare gearboxes for the Syncro. Home number at night is best 07 3408 6669.


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Thanks Peter, appreciated

Agree with Peters comment - Rudi’s boxes are awesome…

Regarding a new fuel tank - Latvia has this option:

Otherwise a wrecked on is your only hope - at least they are plastic so they should last.

Thanks Scott,

The Latvian ones suit the Single/Dual Cab only.

Will certainly get in touch with Rudi re a gearbox


I thought they were all the same…

Thanks for the tip.

According to the fitment on the listing, they list 1986 to 1990 syncro in general - not just for the utilities??

It seems that there are 2 different type of tanks - one for Vans & one for the Single/Dual Cabs.
Each of them came as Diesel, Petrol & Petrol for Charcoal filters.
It is possible that the Van & Cab ones are interchangeable but I prefer not to take that gamble.
245-248 = Single/Dual Cab models, 251-256 = Vans

The fuel filler sits at a different position for Single/Dual cabs, so does the filling pipe into the fuel tank. Hence they are not interchangeable to the Vans.
Diesel fuel tank does also work for a petrol engine, other way around doesn’t. Diesel engines do sit different in the engine bay and with the petrol fuel tank is no space left for the starter motor.

Ive never had a syncro ute in any form so Ive never had a chance to look closely at the differences.

There were no diesels imported officially to Australia so they are even more difficult to see around here.

As these tanks are plastic, they don’t rust and rarely fail so most people don’t need to go looking for a new one.

Are you still chasing a tank?