What springs?

Interesting reading on the air bags, wonder if there are any for the front as well?

A question though, I was told when I got my bus the springs were replaced and are slightly different to stock, the PO had no details of what they were though. Is there any way to determine what I have?

The reason for wanting to know is after some recent work and a few off road trips, the rear of my bus now sits a little higher than previous, and I suspect the front has sagged a little. This make the bus sit not exactly level at the moment. The difference is only slight, but enough to be noticeable.

Problem is I can't look at getting new springs for the front if I have no idea what I have now.

Any tips to identify them would be great.


The front springs have a shocky through the middle...no room for an airbag.
I just went out and measured a front spring. About 230mm compressed (top to bottom of spring).

Thanks for your reply, much appreciated. My front springs measure about 235mm (if you go to the longest part at the end of the spring) It measures just under 230 if you measure at the front (as in front of the bus). Rear measures 240mm


---In Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com, <kestel.p@...> wrote :

The front springs have a shocky through the middle...no room for an airbag.
I just went out and measured a front spring. About 230mm compressed (top to bottom of spring).