Wind Noise

Has anyone tried to minimize front window noise ? Seems to have become worse and I can't find the culprit. My usual solution was to turn up the music but the passengers are complaining.

In my 2wd caravelle I have found its the small triangle windows.

Try push on them in an outward direction at the front edge and if that quietens them down then that's your culprit.

You could try adding some adhesive foam tape (which is what my plan is) oir replace them with fixed windows.

Another culprit can be the entry door step treads at the front.

They are easy to replace.

Best of luck.



On 9/06/2016 7:08 PM, mark hallett [Syncro_T3_Australia] wrote:
Has anyone tried to minimize front window noise ? Seems to have become worse and I can't find the culprit. My usual solution was to turn up the music but the passengers are complaining.


Do you have a Caravelle or transporter?

Sent from Greg's iPhone

On 9 Jun 2016, at 7:08 PM, mark hallett [Syncro_T3_Australia] <> wrote:


Has anyone tried to minimize front window noise ? Seems to have become worse and I can't find the culprit. My usual solution was to turn up the music but the passengers are complaining.


Slow down works for me

On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 7:49 PM, [Syncro_T3_Australia] <> wrote:

Do you have a Caravelle or transporter?

Sent from Greg's iPhone

On 9 Jun 2016, at 7:08 PM, mark hallett [Syncro_T3_Australia] <> wrote:

Has anyone tried to minimize front window noise ? Seems to have become worse and I can't find the culprit. My usual solution was to turn up the music but the passengers are complaining.


It's a Caravelle with Trakka pop top.


Hi Mark. The best way to diagnose wind noise is to masking tape up the crack that you think is making the noise and road test. Only do one at a time. The fact that its a caravelle and already has the font door edge seals means it shouldn't be to hard to fix. Have you got the extra seals for the door frame? I have heard people complain about the front edge of the trakka roof before but no such experience myself. May be post a photo of the front of your rig, things like aux lights and bumpers  can sometimes cause noise. Gregor

From: "mark hallett [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, 9 June 2016, 22:47
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: Wind Noise

It's a Caravelle with Trakka pop top.


Dear All,

Re: aging door seals.

A question I have been thinking of for some time:

Where can we buy new Caravelle Door Seals ?

Preferably here and not overseas>


--Original Message Text---
From: Greg Esposito [Syncro_T3_Australia]
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 02:59:42 +0000 (UTC)

Hi Mark. The best way to diagnose wind noise is to masking tape up the crack that you think is making the noise and road test. Only do one at a time. The fact that its a caravelle and already has the font door edge seals means it shouldn't be to hard to fix. Have you got the extra seals for the door frame? I have heard people complain about the front edge of the trakka roof before but no such experience myself. May be post a photo of the front of your rig, things like aux lights and bumpers can sometimes cause noise. Gregor

From: "mark hallett [Syncro_T3_Australia]" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, 9 June 2016, 22:47
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Re: Wind Noise

It's a Caravelle with Trakka pop top.


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Hi Mark,

A trakka poptop can be noisy (road noise and air intake) at the front internally if it hasn't been centrally reseated correctly. This can happen if the van is on a bit of a side slope when attempting to reseat or the poptop struts are underpowered/weak and allow the poptop to wobble about during lowering, causing a misalignment centrally. 

If its incorrectly seated, it shows as being wrong from outside, give it a lift and shove sideways where necessary from outside and it should sit down properly, with one exception, ... if any side canvas is caught under and showing outside, stopping it from reseating correctly.



From: <> on behalf of mark hallett [Syncro_T3_Australia] <>
Sent: Thursday, 9 June 2016 7:08 PM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Wind Noise

Has anyone tried to minimize front window noise ? Seems to have become worse and I can't find the culprit. My usual solution was to turn up the music but the passengers are complaining.


Correct diagnosis re the pop top gentlemen. One of the rivets went and when I replaced it I hadn't pushed the top down fully. Doesn't take much to get a whistle through there.
I don't usually go much more than 100kmh Pete. Didn't get a syncro to get there in a hurry !
Sometimes I nearly don't get there due to bad choice of parking places..Pic attached.


Hey Mark , was just stirring, looks like you could do some farm work leaving tire tracks like that. Good you sorted it out.

Best regards