After our recent Old Bar trip, following cleaning etc, I took the vehicle back. At home there is a large grassy area and as I have done before, engaged the rear diff-lock briefly just to 'exercise' it. A shallow left turn is undertaken during the procedure and diff-lock is disengaged before leaving the grass. On this occaision the wheels did 'skip' somewhat, but not unusual.
After an uneventful 4.5km the drivetrain at the rear started to make a 'clunk-clunk' noise, which could be felt as well, and varied with road speed, independent of clutch position.
The manual (page 30) does say when rear diff-lock engaged there is a 'scrubbing effect' when cornering - leading to increased tyre wear and also to 'jerking' when the vehicle is steered, and in certain circumstances 'may even damage the drivetrain' (would imagine these circumstances are on 'metalled' road surfaces).
I can't help but think I've somehow inflicted a wound here, yet hasn't been particularly contrary at all to normal offroad operation.
Nonetheless, as there are no Syncro drivetrain specialists anywhere nearby, any clues/help/pointers as to what the problem may be would be appreciated.