Ten Years Up

This month marks the tenth full year since the fledgling group was kicked off the branch and told to fly or crash.

It started from collecting the Australian email addresses that appeared on the US Syncro group register, to which I initially sent local newsletters.  This wasn’t very productive for the effort required and I created the Yahoo group in August 2004.  That was the start of the still existing Yahoo group.

Membership grew rapidly and topped out at over 460 but – but we had unknowingly acquired a lot of very dubious ‘members’.  After some plain malicious experiences, I instituted a clean-up, after which the membership dropped to just under 100!!

I am now 80 and therefore an OFTOF – Official Terminal Old Fart.  Turning 80 brings with it an automatic decimation of IQ, so I now have to make do with just 15.  However, this is no excuse for slacking off.

Activity on the group has waxed and waned regularly over the years.  In respect of maintaining a database and applying the housekeeping necessary to keep any group functioning, my enthusiasm has tended to wax and wan along with the general level of activity.

It has been suggested that the group should be migrated to accommodate the iPhone, iPad, iPee, iPoo, Tweet and Twit generation but I cannot see how this would improve the functionality in any way.  The functionality is essentially dependant on the desire of the members to keep the group alive.

It is, after all, a technical advice resource for Syncro owners in Australia and New Zealand .  It is not a social website for tweenies and it does require an attention span of more than ten seconds to function as a reliable technical resource.

The un-asked for changes to the Yahoo group website have been largely detrimental to the original function, which is entirely unhelpful, but I will enter 2014 with some housekeeping.  This will be followed by asking existing members to confirm their intention of remaining members – which is bound to trim the numbers somewhat!!

Regarding the register, previous attempts to get one running have petered out.  I am in the process of collecting VIN numbers and I hope that that list can be expanded into a comprehensive register, as discussed in previous correspondence with Jon, who has offered to create and maintain it.

Les Harris



I need your VIN for my list.



OK, I am baffled.  How many VIN lists do we have?  I sent out a request for VIN numbers and there has been discussion with Jon to create a comprehensive register of details for as many Syncros as we can muster.  Is your list part of this or is it a separate list?


From: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of plander@optusnet.com.au
Sent: 04 January 2014 19:57
To: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] RE: Ten Years Up


I need your VIN for my list.


I didn't know that Jon was doing a list.

I've made up a spreadsheet so that I can trace the history of syncros in Australia.

So far the earliest one is Brent's.


Ah!  I must have missed your post requesting VIN numbers.


From: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of plander@optusnet.com.au
Sent: 04 January 2014 21:40
To: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Syncro_T3_Australia] RE: Ten Years Up



I didn't know that Jon was doing a list.

I've made up a spreadsheet so that I can trace the history of syncros in Australia .

So far the earliest one is Brent's.


'89 Synchro VIN No: WV2ZZZ25ZJKG119084

Peter Leolkes

Too many date letters Peter.
It should be J or K but not both.


I was unaware that there were competing VIN registers floating about and it would be very good if we could get it down to just one.

It has always been difficult to establish the histories of the Australian Syncros and a comprehensive VIN register could help quite a lot.

I have posted what I have gathered so far in the Files under VIN Register; I have also attached a copy to this email.

Given the number of members, the number who responded is very small indeed.   

Can we ask for a better response now before much vital information is lost forever.  Adding previous owners (when known) provides very valuable links.


From: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Syncro_T3_Australia-owner@yahoogroups.com
Sent: 04 January 2014 18:54
To: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Ten Years Up

Regarding the register, previous attempts to get one running have petered out.  I am in the process of collecting VIN numbers and I hope that that list can be expanded into a comprehensive register, as discussed in previous correspondence with Jon, who has offered to create and maintain it.

Les Harris


Now that the Syncro VIN register is underway , could you enlighten some of us as to the meaning of the letter/numbers ?
Why only one ZMG (mine) or one ZKH and four ZLG's all the rest are ZKG's ?  How are they different ?
Another question no'one has been able to answer is "Why do some T3/Syncros have a double chassis?'
I did a quick clandestine survey of the T3/Syncros present at the Sydney National meeting and out of 17 vehicles only 3 had a double chassis (mine was one)  with no rhyme nor reason as to why.
If you look up or feel through the lower vents in the chassis rail a second smaller chassis rail running the full length may or may not be found.   Who got them and why ?
Even Ken doesn't know.
Cheers Graham
----- Original Message -----
From: Les Harris
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 12:16 PM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Ten Years Up & VIN History [1 Attachment]


I was unaware that there were competing VIN registers floating about and it would be very good if we could get it down to just one.

It has always been difficult to establish the histories of the Australian Syncros and a comprehensive VIN register could help quite a lot.

I have posted what I have gathered so far in the Files under VIN Register; I have also attached a copy to this email.

Given the number of members, the number who responded is very small indeed.   

Can we ask for a better response now before much vital information is lost forever.  Adding previous owners (when known) provides very valuable links.


From: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Syncro_T3_Australia-owner@yahoogroups.com
Sent: 04 January 2014 18:54
To: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Ten Years Up

Regarding the register, previous attempts to get one running have petered out.  I am in the process of collecting VIN numbers and I hope that that list can be expanded into a comprehensive register, as discussed in previous correspondence with Jon, who has offered to create and maintain it.

Les Harris


z is just a filler and means nothing
K 1989
L  1990
M  1991

G Made in Graz, Austria (All syncros)
H Made in Hannover, Germany (2WDs)


Mine is an Ex -Telstra and it has a double chassis.

Someone on this Forum recently posted about this double chassis issue. Was it Greg E.??



From: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Graham Adams
Sent: Sunday, 5 January 2014 3:10 PM
To: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Ten Years Up & VIN History





Now that the Syncro VIN register is underway , could you enlighten some of us as to the meaning of the letter/numbers ?


Why only one ZMG (mine) or one ZKH and four ZLG's all the rest are ZKG's ?  How are they different ?


Another question no'one has been able to answer is "Why do some T3/Syncros have a double chassis?'

I did a quick clandestine survey of the T3/Syncros present at the Sydney National meeting and out of 17 vehicles only 3 had a double chassis (mine was one)  with no rhyme nor reason as to why.

If you look up or feel through the lower vents in the chassis rail a second smaller chassis rail running the full length may or may not be found.   Who got them and why ?

Even Ken doesn't know.


Cheers Graham




----- Original Message -----

From: Les Harris

Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 12:16 PM

Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Ten Years Up & VIN History [1 Attachment]



I was unaware that there were competing VIN registers floating about and it would be very good if we could get it down to just one.

It has always been difficult to establish the histories of the Australian Syncros and a comprehensive VIN register could help quite a lot.

I have posted what I have gathered so far in the Files under VIN Register; I have also attached a copy to this email.

Given the number of members, the number who responded is very small indeed.   

Can we ask for a better response now before much vital information is lost forever.  Adding previous owners (when known) provides very valuable links.


Regarding the register, previous attempts to get one running have petered out.  I am in the process of collecting VIN numbers and I hope that that list can be expanded into a comprehensive register, as discussed in previous correspondence with Jon, who has offered to create and maintain it.

Les Harris



Phill probably has the best handle on the alphabet soup of the VIN numbering system.  I will leave it to him to try to explain it!!

I have never previously encountered the matter of double chassis rails but I will have a hunt around to see if I can find anything.

Phill posted some more identification data this afternoon.  I have incorporated that into the previously posted file.

So far, we have details for just 33 Syncros – out of a membership of 190+ - !!!!!  I had hoped that we would have done far better than that!


From: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Graham Adams
Sent: 05 January 2014 15:10
To: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Ten Years Up & VIN History


Now that the Syncro VIN register is underway, could you enlighten some of us as to the meaning of the letter/numbers ?

Why only one ZMG (mine) or one ZKH and four ZLG's all the rest are ZKG's ?  How are they different ?

Another question no-one has been able to answer is "Why do some T3/Syncros have a double chassis?'

I did a quick clandestine survey of the T3/Syncros present at the Sydney National meeting and out of 17 vehicles only 3 had a double chassis (mine was one)  with no rhyme nor reason as to why.

If you look up or feel through the lower vents in the chassis rail a second smaller chassis rail running the full length may or may not be found.   Who got them and why ?

Even Ken doesn't know.

Cheers Graham





Keep in mind, not every member owns a Syncro. Some of the members are past owners.

I also noticed that a few members have more than one e-mail addresses - are they counted twice?

From past posting on this site my gut feeling is that the real # may be closer to a 100.

I know, it is not easy to keep it all running smoothly.




From: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Les Harris
Sent: Sunday, 5 January 2014 6:45 PM
To: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Ten Years Up & VIN History [1 Attachment]




Phill probably has the best handle on the alphabet soup of the VIN numbering system.  I will leave it to him to try to explain it!!

I have never previously encountered the matter of double chassis rails but I will have a hunt around to see if I can find anything.

Phill posted some more identification data this afternoon.  I have incorporated that into the previously posted file.

So far, we have details for just 33 Syncros – out of a membership of 190+ - !!!!!  I had hoped that we would have done far better than that!


From: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Graham Adams
Sent: 05 January 2014 15:10
To: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Ten Years Up & VIN History


Now that the Syncro VIN register is underway, could you enlighten some of us as to the meaning of the letter/numbers ?

Why only one ZMG (mine) or one ZKH and four ZLG's all the rest are ZKG's ?  How are they different ?

Another question no-one has been able to answer is "Why do some T3/Syncros have a double chassis?'

I did a quick clandestine survey of the T3/Syncros present at the Sydney National meeting and out of 17 vehicles only 3 had a double chassis (mine was one)  with no rhyme nor reason as to why.

If you look up or feel through the lower vents in the chassis rail a second smaller chassis rail running the full length may or may not be found.   Who got them and why ?

Even Ken doesn't know.

Cheers Graham



Hi All,

Also there are a few of us who aren't resident in Australia/New Zealand.  Happy to provide VIN details but they wouldn't be relevant to the database.


On 5 Jan 2014, at 09:26, "Theo Weiss" <teows@melbpc.org.au> wrote:




Keep in mind, not every member owns a Syncro. Some of the members are past owners.

I also noticed that a few members have more than one e-mail addresses - are they counted twice?

From past posting on this site my gut feeling is that the real # may be closer to a 100.

I know, it is not easy to keep it all running smoothly.




From: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Les Harris
Sent: Sunday, 5 January 2014 6:45 PM
To: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Ten Years Up & VIN History [1 Attachment]




Phill probably has the best handle on the al phabet soup of the VIN numbering system.  I will leave it to him to try to explain it!!

I have never previously encountered the matter of double chassis rails but I will have a hunt around to see if I can find anything.

Phill posted some more identification data this afternoon.  I have incorporated that into the previously posted file.

So far, we have details for just 33 Syncros – out of a membership of 190+ - !!!!!  I had hoped that we would have done far better than that!


From: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Graham Adams
Sent: 05 January 2014 15:10
To: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Ten Years Up & VIN History


Now that the Syncro VIN register is underway, could you enlighten some of us as to the meaning of the letter/numbers ?

Why only one ZMG (mine) or one ZKH and four ZLG's all the rest are ZKG's ?  How are they different ?

Another question no-one has been able to answer is "Why do some T3/Syncros have a double chassis?'

I did a quick clandestine survey of the T3/Syncros present at the Sydney National meeting and out of 17 vehicles only 3 had a double chassis (mine was one)  with no rhyme nor reason as to why.

If you look up or feel through the lower vents in the chassis rail a second smaller chassis rail running the full length may or may not be found.   Who got them and why ?

Even Ken doesn't know.

Cheers Graham



Happy New Year to all.
Theo, I think that was Bob(sunburntwilly) who was talking about the double chassis rails at the DOTVW. I can only guess that it was something they did later in production due to body flexing. We do know they had issues in this area as they stiffened the 16". I have seen photos on the net (the samba?) of identical ripples in panel work in front of the rear arches due to hard off roading. Has anyone got a late model from Graz without the reinforcement?

Greg Esposito, WV2ZZZ25ZNG007851 MV089694 Deluxe window van, safari pop top camper conversion. Original owner Paul Bebbington (Perth WA)

From: Theo Weiss <teows@melbpc.org.au>
To: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, 5 January 2014 5:03 PM
Subject: RE: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Ten Years Up & VIN History

Mine is an Ex -Telstra and it has a double chassis.
Someone on this Forum recently posted about this double chassis issue. Was it Greg E.??
From: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Graham Adams
Sent: Sunday, 5 January 2014 3:10 PM
To: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Ten Years Up & VIN History
Now that the Syncro VIN register is underway , could you enlighten some of us as to the meaning of the letter/numbers ?
Why only one ZMG (mine) or one ZKH and four ZLG's all the rest are ZKG's ?  How are they different ?
Another question no'one has been able to answer is "Why do some T3/Syncros have a double chassis?'
I did a quick clandestine survey of the T3/Syncros present at the Sydney National meeting and out of 17 vehicles only 3 had a double chassis (mine was one)  with no rhyme nor reason as to why.
If you look up or feel through the lower vents in the chassis rail a second smaller chassis rail running the full length may or may not be found.   Who got them and why ?
Even Ken doesn't know.
Cheers Graham
----- Original Message -----
From: Les Harris
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 12:16 PM
Subject: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Ten Years Up & VIN History [1 Attachment]
I was unaware that there were competing VIN registers floating about and it would be very good if we could get it down to just one.
It has always been difficult to establish the histories of the Australian Syncros and a comprehensive VIN register could help quite a lot.
I have posted what I have gathered so far in the Files under VIN Register; I have also attached a copy to this email.
Given the number of members, the number who responded is very small indeed.   
Can we ask for a better response now before much vital information is lost forever.  Adding previous owners (when known) provides very valuable links.
Regarding the register, previous attempts to get one running have petered out.  I am in the process of collecting VIN numbers and I hope that that list can be expanded into a comprehensive register, as discussed in previous correspondence with Jon, who has offered to create and maintain it.
Les Harris

Yes, this is quite true in respect of there being a handful of overseas members.  And yes, there are some members who have several email addresses but they can use only one of them on the group website.

In the past, I used to check periodically for bouncing emails but it does not appear to be worth the effort.  Those who are actually interested contact me of their own accord if this happens.  Those who don’t can reasonably be classed as not interested.  One must wonder why quite a few of them ever joined in the first place.

But this falls far short of explaining why less than 15% have replied to the several requests to help establish a VIN record.  This suggests that the majority of members are not in fact Syncro enthusiasts and that their membership of this group is entirely coincidental.  The 190 + looks good – and is not remotely indicative of demonstrable interest.

Around mid year, I would have instituted another membership renewal request but I think that it might be brought forward.  As with previous renewals, non-response ensures automatic removal.


From: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Mark Thornley
Sent: 05 January 2014 20:56
To: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Ten Years Up & VIN History


 Hi All,

Also there are a few of us who aren't resident in Australia/New Zealand.  Happy to provide VIN details but they wouldn't be relevant to the database.


On 5 Jan 2014, at 09:26, "Theo Weiss" <teows@melbpc.org.au> wrote:


  Keep in mind, not every member owns a Syncro. Some of the members are past owners.

I also noticed that a few members have more than one e-mail addresses - are they counted twice?

From past posting on this site my gut feeling is that the real # may be closer to a 100.

I know, it is not easy to keep it all running smoothly.




Phill and Les (FYI)
Apologies for the incorrect VIN
My Synchros VIN is WV2ZZZ25ZKG119084
Built date '89
I have had it since new.
First registered '91
rear diff lock
Trakka conversion (partial)
Peter Leolkes
I love the Trakka compliance plate - I wonder if all Trakka vans had them?


On 6/01/2014 8:28 AM, Peter Leolkes wrote:
Phill and Les (FYI)
Apologies for the incorrect VIN
My Synchros VIN is WV2ZZZ25ZKG119084
Built date '89
I have had it since new.
First registered '91
rear diff lock
Trakka conversion (partial)
Peter Leolkes

On 05/01/2014, at 10:06 AM, <plander@optusnet.com.au> <plander@optusnet.com.au> wrote:

Too many date letters Peter.
It should be J or K but not both.


Hi Les

VIN No WV2zzz25zLG040018
Delivered 04/05/90
Mod No 254DC5
Eng No MV068409
Col L90D
Delivered to N&M Rule
Adelaide S A.

Been out of action for last couple of years due to house completing/selling / and building again

Cheers. Byron

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

From: Les Harris <leslieharris@optusnet.com.au>;
To: <Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com>;
Subject: RE: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Ten Years Up & VIN History [1 Attachment]
Sent: Sun, Jan 5, 2014 7:45:11 AM


Phill probably has the best handle on the alphabet soup of the VIN numbering system. I will leave it to him to try to explain it!!

I have never previously encountered the matter of double chassis rails but I will have a hunt around to see if I can find anything.

Phill posted some more identification data this afternoon. I have incorporated that into the previously posted file.

So far, we have details for just 33 Syncros – out of a membership of 190+ - !!!!! I had hoped that we would have done far better than that!


From: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Graham Adams
Sent: 05 January 2014 15:10
To: Syncro_T3_Australia@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Syncro_T3_Australia] Ten Years Up & VIN History


Now that the Syncro VIN register is underway, could you enlighten some of us as to the meaning of the letter/numbers ?

Why only one ZMG (mine) or one ZKH and four ZLG's all the rest are ZKG's ? How are they different ?

Another question no-one has been able to answer is "Why do some T3/Syncros have a double chassis?'

I did a quick clandestine survey of the T3/Syncros present at the Sydney National meeting and out of 17 vehicles only 3 had a double chassis (mine was one) with no rhyme nor reason as to why.

If you look up or feel through the lower vents in the chassis rail a second smaller chassis rail running the full length may or may not be found. Who got them and why ?

Even Ken doesn't know.

Cheers Graham

Peter Leokes
Is your build plate  5/89 or 6/89?

Andrea Skvor  is yours a TKM or Ateco?

Does yours have a build date plate and an Ateco plate?